American Pickers’ Mike Wolfe: The story behind TV’s treasure-hunter extraordinaire

Monday nights wouldn’t be the same without American Pickers — and the main man Mike Wolfe. Each week on the series, he travels off-the-beaten track across the country with his high school pal-turned-picker Frank Fritz, guided by the smart siren, Danielle Colby. Together they unearth gems, artifacts and lots of “roached” finds as they wheel and

American Pickers: History of car company behind show’s restored 1935 Auburn

Tonight’s American Pickers sees Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz restoring a 1935 Auburn; created by a car company that had a bright, but sadly short life. The Auburn Automobile Company was founded in 1900 in Auburn, Indiana, by Frank and Morris Eckhart. Their business saw some success, but material shortages during WWI meant they struggled to survive. The Eckharts

Who is American Pickers’ Frank Fritz?

American Pickers on History stars the awesome trio of upcycling experts Mike Wolfe, office manager-turned picker Danielle Colby, and the secret sauce — fellow picker Frank Fritz. Fritz is an even-tempered and friendly on-air personality, a self-described “modern day recycler” and antique collectible expert. Born in Davenport, Iowa, Frank met Mike at Bettendorf High School. Fritz has

American Pickers meet the Godfather of Junk

Tonight on American Pickers, Mike and Frank get a tip from another picker — but is it for real? In an episode titled Picker’s Code the pair of childhood friends get a lead from another treasure hunter but they need to decide whether he is genuine or whether he is trying to beat them to the best