The Big Brother live feeds have been turned on following the Season 24 premiere. This has allowed subscribers to see a lot of early chatter among the 16 new houseguests and get to know them a little better.
On Wednesday night, the first episode of Big Brother 24 debuted on CBS, with host Julie Chen Moonves explaining the game as she ushered the cast members into the Big Brother house.
We watched as Daniel Durston became the first Head of Household this season. Later, on the live feeds, he was shown getting his HOH Room, where he hosted a few chats, including an important one with Indy Santos that could go a long way to preserving her time in the game.
Who are the first Big Brother 24 Have-Nots?
Joseph Abdin, Kyle Capener, Michael Bruner, and Monte Taylor volunteered to be the first Have-Nots of the summer, taking the punishment in stride. Discussions of what condiments they can use on the slop they are forced to eat for the next week were fun to watch on the feeds.
And as Have-Nots, Joseph, Kyle, Michael, and Monte have to sleep in a very uncomfortable room while also taking cold showers whenever they want to clean up. It’s not a desirable punishment to experience, but the four guys all volunteered to go through it during Week 1.
Joseph Abdin is the alternate who took a spot on the BB24 cast after Marvin Achi was removed from the show.
And Michael Bruner is a superfan of Big Brother who might be able to do really well this season if he can keep from becoming a target in the first few weeks.
A final two alliance on Big Brother 24 from Day 1
Alyssa Snider and Paloma Aguilar bonded very quickly inside the Big Brother house, and they now have a final two deal to take each other all the way to the end of the season.
The road ahead for Alyssa and Paloma will be difficult, though, as they both received a Backstage Pass from the Backstage Boss (Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli) in Episode 1. This means they could go home at the first Eviction Ceremony (as host Julie Chen Moonves warned).
We will have to wait and see how the twist that Julie teased will impact the BB24 cast and how it will apply to the upcoming evictions. It could certainly turn the game upside down.
Expect even more final two deals to start surfacing on the Big Brother live feeds over the next few days. And at some point soon, Daniel will have to nominate two people for eviction.
If you missed any of the first episode, it can be streamed on Paramount+. That’s also where past seasons of the show can be viewed by anyone who wants to go back and take a look.
Big Brother 24, Episode 2 airs Sunday, July 10 at 8/7c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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