A Big Brother 22 cast reveal has been made by the TV Guide website. It’s not clear if the names are correct, but some of them match up with a lot of previous rumors.
Recently, former winner Evel Dick Donato posted a list of people he said would be playing the game this summer. Many of the names he posted have now shown up on the TV Guide page. Some are new.
While the names could just be placeholders in order to hold the spot for when the official cast is announced by CBS, it certainly makes for an interesting topic of conversation today.
In addition to having 19 names listed in a section for the Big Brother 22 cast, TV Guide has also provided the members of the Big Brother 7 cast. BB7 was the first All-Stars season for the show.
Big Brother 22 cast from TV Guide
Below are the 19 names that are listed on the Big Brother 22 cast page for TV Guide. As we already knew, the production team had a cast ready to go, as well as some alternatives in case anyone didn’t make it through quarantine.
Recent rumors suggested that Kaycee Clark and Josh Martinez are out, but, again, nothing has been confirmed by CBS yet. So, are these names correct? Let the debate begin!

When will Big Brother 22 cast reveal actually happen?
CBS and the production team for the show have been very quiet about when the names of the BB22 cast members are going to be officially released. They did post an announcement on the live feeds, but then it got taken down and the reveal day came and went.
There is also a segment on the next episode of Entertainment Tonight about the show, where it was advertised that the new cast is going to be featured. It’s unclear if that will still take place, but it would be a nice surprise for viewers.
If the list of people that TV Guide posted is correct and it is true that Kaycee and Josh are out, then there would only be two former winners left on that list. Only Ian Terry and Nicole Franzel have won the show before, which might cause some debate about whether this is actually an All-Stars season.
Take the TV Guide list for what it is at this time – it’s fun to see and enjoy some additional talk about a Big Brother 22 cast reveal, but it may not be correct. We will all find out for sure in less than a week.
Big Brother 22 debuts August 5 at 9/8c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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