Tami Roman weight loss: Is she sick?

Tami Roman is looking thin and healthy these days, and she appears to have control of her illness. A few years ago, Roman opened up about being diagnosed with diabetes. At the time, she struggled to get a handle on everything, but it seems that she has taken control of her diet, exercise, and stress

Tami quits Basketball Wives: Everything you need to know

Tami Roman has hit her breaking point. During last night’s reunion special for Basketball Wives, Tami decided to walk off the set in the middle of filming. Things had gotten rather heated between her and Evelyn Lozada throughout the season, and while Tami had issued an apology to Lozada, Evelyn didn’t want to hear it. In

Who is Evelyn from Basketball Wives’ daughter?

Evelyn Lozada’s daughter Shaniece Hairston was mentioned on the Basketball Wives season finale. Bringing up Shaniece almost ended in Evelyn brawling with Jennifer Williams. Now, VH1 viewers want to know more about Evelyn’s adult daughter. Shaniece Hairston is almost as popular as her famous mother. With a current Instagram follower count of 887k and a

Evelyn Lozada apologizes to CeCe Gutierrez for Basketball Wives racial slur

Evelyn Lozada faced a huge amount of backlash from Basketball Wives viewers after the most recent episode. During an argument with CeCe Gutierrez, she flung a racially-charged insult that some thought was way too much, even for Evelyn and now she’s apologized. Things have not been looking good for Evelyn after the latest episode of