The first Big Brother 26 Nomination Ceremony happened on Friday.
Fans were ready for some action after the (long) two-part season premiere.
The Big Brother Live Feeds got turned on late Thursday night, allowing viewers to catch up.
An early move-in happened this summer, with the houseguests starting the game on Tuesday. Then, the first episodes aired on Wednesday and Thursday.
Sixteen people are competing for the $750,000 prize, and they are hampered by an Artificial Intelligence named AINSLEY.
The real identity of AINSLEY was revealed, and she is very well known on social media.
As a reminder, Chelsie and Cedric got downgraded during the opening episodes. For finishing last in their competitions, they could not compete to become HOH or to win the Power of Veto in Week 1.
Who did the Head of Household nominate for Week 1 of Big Brother 26?
Angela Murray is the first Head of Household this summer. Her identity was revealed when the live feeds finally came on.
Angela relished her opportunity to be HOH and to nominate two people for eviction. She was shown vibrating on the feeds as the Nomination Ceremony approached.
Three people were placed on the block during the Nomination Ceremony. Several houseguests stated that a fourth nominee is coming (likely from the AI twist).
Angela nominated Kimo Apaka, Kenney Kelley, and Lisa Weintraub.
Angela has already stated that Kimo and Lisa are pawns, as her primary eviction target is Kenney.
Kenney now has a chance to save himself at the Veto Competition, and the live feeds should reveal a fourth nominee later on.
Big Brother fans already love the energy that Angela is showing on the feeds. She’s playing the game hard and interacting with the cameras to share her thoughts on the feeds.
More news and notes from the Big Brother 2024 season
Here is the BB26 cast list for anyone who needs a cheat sheet. It’s not easy remembering the names and bios of 16 fresh faces.
The BB26 TV schedule has also been updated. The rest of July is packed with new installments.
Before coming on Big Brother, T’Kor Clottery was on The Kelly Clarkson Show. By living in London, Atlanta, and Chicago, T’Kor developed a unique accent.
Ready for some good laughs from the live feeds? Enjoy the clip below of Matt explaining how he is enjoying the bidet.
Previous seasons of Big Brother are streaming on Paramount+. The service also provides live feeds this summer.
Big Brother 26 airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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