
Big Brother 26 spoilers: Week 7 veto results revealed

Julie Chen on a BB25 Episode
Julie Chen Moonves almost knows the final three for Big Brother 26. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal what happened at the Week 7 Veto Competition.

The six players competed for the Power of Veto on Saturday (August 31), yielding interesting results.

Much has happened following the eviction of Tucker Des Lauriers.

Tucker was the biggest threat in the game, but he played with fire too many times.

Going on the block as a volunteer during T’Kor Clottey’s HOH week was a huge mistake, but he says he doesn’t regret the choice.

T’Kor has struggled on the Live Feeds after nominating and losing Tucker to eviction. He was a great shield for her game.

Likewise, Rubina Bernabe has been in tears several times as she misses her showmance partner.

The lead-up to the Week 7 Veto Competition on Big Brother 26

The BB26 cast played in a new Head of Household Competition late Thursday night (August 29). We will see how it went during the upcoming Sunday episode (September 1).

Quinn Martin became the new HOH. Having the power after helping evict Tucker was a huge swing for Quinn. He also had to choose sides in the house.

Quinn nominated Angela Murray, Kimo Apaka, and Rubina Bernabe for eviction. He also stated that Angela was the primary target.

The first time to find safety for the nominees was at the Veto Competition on Saturday. Leah Peters and Joseph Rodriguez (yes, again) joined the challenge.

Who won the Power of Veto during Week 7 on Big Brother 26?

Leah Peters won the Power of Veto.

This is the first time Leah has tasted success this summer. She now has a chance to make a big game move at the upcoming Veto Meeting.

Leah also has a chance to protect her new alliance with Quinn, Chelsie, Cam, Joseph, and Makensy.

The six-person group runs things after sending Tucker home, leaving Kimo, T’Kor, Angela, and Rubina on the outs.

Leah hosts her Veto Meeting on Monday (September 2), where the final nominees for the week will be set. Could she save Angela and shake things up? Stay tuned!

Below is a video of Leah celebrating her Veto Competition win.

More from the world of Big Brother

Haleigh from BB20 just got engaged! She is marrying an NBA player who won a championship with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Angela’s daughter wants her mom home. She posted about the Big Brother experience being a “nightmare” and how much they miss Angela at home.

Julie named some BB26 threats post-Tucker. The Big Brother host complimented Tucker and spoke about people who might emerge from his shadow.

Tucker’s goodbye messages were revealed, and he spoke about having no regrets about volunteering to be on the block.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+. The Live Feeds are available through Paramount+ and Pluto TV (free).

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

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5 months ago

Why in the hell would Leah save Angela, I thought she was on team Quinn, Cam ,Chelsie and Makensy and they all want Angela gone 🤔