
Big Brother 26: A look at how fans would use America’s Veto

Mac on BB26
Big Brother 26 runner-up Makensy Manbeck spoke about a possible return. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Big Brother 26 introduced a new “secret” power for the Summer 2024 season.

It’s less of a secret now because Makensy Manbeck keeps telling people.

Soon after Makensy won America’s Veto, she revealed her power to Matt Hardeman and Leah Peters.

Makensy later told several other houseguests, including Chelsie Baham and Tucker Des Lauriers.

The information around the house spread and raised the possibility that a future Head of Household might try to flush it out.

Makensy wants to save the power in case she needs to use it on herself. That’s why she didn’t save Matt from the block.

How does America’s Veto work?

To refresh everyone’s memory, America’s Veto is a power that Makensy won during the Day 1 challenge. She can take anyone off the block, taking some power away from the HOH.

The twist to America’s Veto is that using it allows the fans to vote on the replacement nominee. It means Makensy can’t choose who goes on the block if she steps off.

How could the fans use America’s Veto?

Big Brother fans would likely vote for the least-popular houseguest to go on the block. It’s also possible that fans could vote for a target if a fan favorite is already on the block.

Currently, the least-liked houseguests are Angela Murray and Lisa Weintraub.

When Angela went after Matt in Week 1, she lost much support from the fans. She had been pretty popular but was seen as going too far as the HOH.

What Lisa did to the pillows on the Live Feeds turned many fans against her, but her need to always be right and to put glitter on everything has frustrated some viewers.

A new poll has Joseph Rodriguez and Brooklyn Rivera as two more houseguests who have become unpopular.

Meanwhile, Kenney Kelley has been gaining more fans, despite nearly quitting BB26 in Week 1.

Hopefully, America’s Veto will be used because it will be fun to see how the viewers respond. Will the television view

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Donna Sheehan
Donna Sheehan
4 months ago

I think Angela was rude to Matt and needs to go home next. She left a bad taste in my mouth with her ridiculous name calling to this young man. Very uncalled for. Thanks

4 months ago

I have SOUR taste for the show ever since the pure hatred shown by Angela against Matt. it was beyond bullying
The CBS show producers should KICK this woman off show because of her insane behavior