
Recap: WEtv’s ‘Marriage Boot Camp,’ The Team Player Edition

Nobody threw anything or hit anybody (hard) on WEtv’s “Marriage Boot Camp” this week and I was more than a little disappointed. The best part of this whole episode was the teaser for next week when they’re apparently going to mix-and-match the couples with other spouses and that doesn’t go over well with this group


Recap: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, The Everyone Is Lisa’s Friend Edition

Everybody wants to be Lisa’s friend. That’s the bizarre thing about last night’s final episode of the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” Regardless of what they’ve said about her this season, the way they ganged up on her in Puerto Rico, and literally hours of nasty behind-the-back gossiping about how horrible Lisa is, the truth


Recap: WEtv Marriage Boot Camp, Glass Houses Edition

Did I just watch the newest episode of “Marriage Boot Camp” on WEtv or was that a WWE Championship bout? Holy crap! I hope the production crew from Thinkfactory Media was getting combat pay. What was that? Jeez, Mark, you weren’t even drunk. That’s your sober anger management? But I’m not being fair, let’s back


Recap: Real Housewives of New York, The Diet Pills and Vodka Edition

Tonight’s “Real Housewives of New York” episode starts with the end of the big fight between Aviva and Carol that we saw start last week at Aviva’s housewarming party. Aviva is “deranged” and Carol is professionally offended. The phrase “character defamation” gets used tonight. Um hmm… that’s what I was thinking too. Reality check for


Recap: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, The Liar And Hypocrite Edition

What the hell was tonight’s reunion all about? I agree with hundreds of Tweets suggesting this “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” reunion should have been an hour and a half tops. I was bored before they got through the whole eat-healthy-and-exercise segment they opened with. And what was that anyway? Was it the only way


Recap: WEtv’s ‘Marriage Boot Camp,’ The Flat-Out Hater Edition

Sometimes I’m not sure exactly where to start my blogs about show likes WEtv’s “Marriage Boot Camp.” As both a happily married woman (almost 10 years now) and a reality television survivor (it’s not the first rodeo for any of these couples either, “Bridezillas” got them on here), I find myself both horrified and appalled


Recap: ‘The Real Housewives of New York,’ Pick Her Brain Edition

I am fascinated. BravoTV just managed to make an entire episode of Real Housewives of New York about one topic: #BookGate. And it worked. Thousands (maybe millions?) of viewers were tweeting about it. Including me. Excellent social media marketing BravoTV! And even though we had to sit through all sorts of other foreshadowing and soft-core


Handicapping the RealityWanted 2014 Awards, Some Deep Thoughts

So I got this press release about the RealityWanted 2014 Awards and my curiosity was piqued. For about 11 seconds, til I realized my show wasn’t nominated. Boohiss! That’s okay, I rose above it because I couldn’t resist the urge to go through the list of nominees and tell you who I think should win


Recap: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, 100 Percent Chemical-Free Edition

“I say stupid things a lot” could have been the title of tonight’s “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” Reunion Part 1 because Brandi was right, half of what comes out of her mouth makes me want to smack her. Even funnier was her admission “I tell everyone everything unless they tell me not to.” Duh.