
The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers: Is it over for Brooke and Ridge?

Brooke and Thomas on The Bold and the Beautiful.
Thomas isn’t letting Brooke near Ridge on The Bold and the Beautiful. Pic credit: CBS

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease it might be the end for Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye).

As the events that happened on New Year’s Eve are made public, the fallout will be epic.

There are two sides for viewers — they either love Brooke with Ridge or want him with Taylor (Krista Allen). The old Forrester and Logan feud is reignited and a change-up from the stories over the last few years.

Ridge rages at Brooke

After Taylor told Ridge the truth about Brooke, things got intense. He confronted his wife, and now, it looks like he is ready to take some time away from her.

As the two argue, he mentions Deacon (Sean Kanan) sleeping in his bed. It appears they are arguing where Deacon works, as the background looks like the storage room.

It’s clear their relationship is falling apart, but Brooke isn’t going to give up that easily.

Steffy and Thomas protect Ridge

As they adjust to the truth about Brooke, Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) are going the extra mile to protect their father.

Steffy asks her dad if he’s seeing the truth about Brooke now. She has wanted them to split for years, but it’s amped up considerably since Taylor returned to town.

Thomas is protecting his dad too. He isn’t going to let Brooke see Ridge and stops her in her tracks. She promises that she will never give up on Ridge — ever.

There will be plenty of friction between the Logans and the Forresters, with the Steffy and Hope (Annika Noelle) reigniting again. The step-sisters will have a back and forth, especially regarding their parents. Hope believes her mom’s missteps should be forgiven, especially since it was only a kiss, and Steffy thinks otherwise, and she makes sure both Hope and Brooke know that.

There is a love triangle brewing, and it’s been coming for months. Ridge will once again have to choose between his Logan or the mother of his two on-screen children, Steffy and Thomas. It looks like Ridge will run to Taylor for comfort as he navigates what is next for his marriage and gets some much-needed time away to think things over.

Are you team Brooke or team Taylor?

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS.

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3 years ago

I am team brook his kids should stay out of it and let him and brook work it out for themselves

Janet Stange-Burnette
Janet Stange-Burnette
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I am team taylor, Brook has slept her way through all the Forester men and married them all and has gone after her sister’s husband and her daughters husband. She is a w**** and needs to be portraid as one.

2 years ago

Team Steffy Team Thomas. And Team Taylor All the way

2 years ago

Team Taylor .Logan thinks every man should fall at her feet um no Steffy needs to boot her out of The company

2 years ago

The new Taylor is terrible. The two children should stay out of it, and try to understand their own baggish before condemning Brook.

Connie Little
Connie Little
2 years ago
Reply to  Jean

Brook simply because I don’t like this Taylor and I don’t want Shela to win

Connie Little
Connie Little
2 years ago

Brook simply because I don’t want Sheila to win

2 years ago

Can the writer quit recycling the same ole story over and over again. Gez

2 years ago

Steffy and Thomas seems to forget all the nasty things they have done to Hope and Liam and others. Remember her kissing Liam when Thomas called her to say Hope was on the way so Hope would see them kiss? Thomas keeping Beth from Hope and Liam? The fertility test Steffy had while pregnant with Kelly to see if it was Liam’s or Bill’s baby (her father-in-law!)? The paternity test she had to have to see if Hayes was Liam’s or Finn’s baby. Remember it was Taylor who shot Bill? Taylor who bought a baby, Beth, for Steffy. Thomas and Steffy have both killed people and got away with it. I hope the truth about what Sheila did comes out soon. I don’t want Sheila and the Forresters to win. Ridge needs to remember kissing Shauna, getting drunk and waking up with Shauna, and marrying Shauna! Kissing Quinn, etc. He’s done worse things to Brooke than Brooke kissing Deacon on New Year’s Eve. Ridge’s kids need to stay out of his marriage.

2 years ago

I am team neither, this story line has been rehashed toooo many times, They all need someone new, Even the evil Sheila and nauseous Deacon story line is on overload, Wake me up when Ridge decide who he wants, maybe the show should explore pologany. The writers must need a break cause I need a break from this storyline

2 years ago

Team brook

Cheryle Stackman
Cheryle Stackman
2 years ago

Team Taylor, but it doesn’t matter which ever one gets Ridge is getting the raw end of the stick the New Ridge is terrible and such a sook….

2 years ago

Want Ridge and Brook to stay together. If he runs and starts sleeping with Taylor, I’m done with the show.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Team Taylor only if Ridge is not going to run back to Brook

Sue North
Sue North
2 years ago

I want Brooke to dump Ridge for a change. This is the same old story again and again. I’ve been watching B&B for years and all they do is get lazy and recycle the Ridge/Brooke/Taylor thing. ENOUGH!!!

Lorry Scala
Lorry Scala
2 years ago

Brooke and Ridge need to work together to find out what really happened to them. Finn and Taylor should help by saying how much Shelia hates Brooke and manipulated Deacon and the Champaign. Ridge knows how much Brookes loves him, this is ridiculous if he goes to Taylor.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Team Brook. This new Taylor has to go, I really think she is a horrible actress and will go back to house cleaning when it’s at her scene. The scenes come across very fake and with grown adult kids acting like they are 10 year olds.

None of this is very realistic. So, the entire scene is coming across so fake and poor acting

What Brook did was wrong, she kissed man. But, Ridge?? runs to sleep with another woman? Who is really in the wrong? Brook needs to stop taking all the blame and put her foot down and demand a divorce from him. She needs to show Ridge she is done begging for his relationships.

Stop the repeat relationships, it’s
getting boring. At least bring in new faces. The Taylor story is dead in the water, and so flipping boring!

2 years ago

Brooke for sure!