Big Brother All-Stars cast members Nicole Franzel and Cody Calafiore were trending on Twitter Sunday night, proving that the live feeds might have been even more popular than the Sunday night episode.
Quite soon after Episode 11 came to an end on the East Coast, a fan could be heard saying something as the CBS live feeds cut out. The feeds didn’t turn back on for hours after that.
In video that we shared from the feeds, a fan can be heard yelling what sounds like, “Nicole and Cody are playing everyone.”
Nicole and Cody trending on Twitter
It seems pretty clear to most die-hard fans of the show that Nicole Franzel and Cody Calafiore are working together. Though they have tried to distance themselves from each other in conversations with other members of the BB22 cast, nobody is really buying it.
Nicole and Cody both appeared as members of the Big Brother 16 cast and they were aligned for a majority of that season. Cody was in a final two alliance with Derrick Levasseur, though, and Nicole got cut from the group before the finale got close.
Derrick beat out Cody at the BB16 jury vote, but the guys remained good friends outside of the house for years. A lot of rumors were on social media about Derrick and Nicole possibly being in a fight, spurred on by statements that Derrick had made online.
Shortly after that, Evel Dick Donato posted on social media his opinion that Derrick had ruined Big Brother All-Stars 2 by coordinating pre-gaming efforts that likely included Nicole, Cody, and Memphis Garrett, to name a few.
Has the Nicole and Cody message changed anything?
When the feeds came back on late Sunday night, it didn’t appear that anything had transpired after the Nicole and Cody message was heard in the backyard (other than getting locked down).
Typically in situations like this, the houseguests get called inside and are told not to talk about what has happened. The producers may have given the BB22 cast members time to chat with other people before the cameras were turned back on to let them say what they needed to say.
On the surface, it doesn’t appear that anything has changed. It definitely helps that the current Head of Household (Enzo Palumbo) is working with Nicole and Cody, so he has no reason to target either of them this week.
If Enzo pre-gamed with Nicole and Cody, it gives him even less of a reason to do anything. At the end of the day, the wall yeller may have changed absolutely nothing, even as fans kept talking about it for hours on Twitter.
Monday could get interesting, though, especially after what happened at the Veto Competition.
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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