Big Brother 25 featured many showmances, including the one between Blue Kim and Jared Fields. The duo of America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger even got a showmance name — Americory.
But the showmance between Matt Klotz and Reilly Smedley has led to many questions from Big Brother fans. Though Matt expressed feelings for Reilly early in the season, it wasn’t until Matt became Head of Household that Reilly’s thoughts were shared.
Reilly got evicted in Week 2, giving her little time with Matt in the house. But after her exit, she was frequently seen on social media spending time with the families of other houseguests.
Reilly wrote an HOH letter to Matt, stating that she felt the same way. It was a moment that caught fans off guard, but it also led to excitement from Matt on the live feeds.
Matt reading the letter then became a segment on a Big Brother episode. It seemed like everyone was lining up for the duo to date in the real world.
Matt and Reilly were reunited on the Big Brother 25 season finale, where questions were asked about their future.
Are Matt and Reilly still together after Big Brother 25?
After Big Brother 25 ended, Reilly and Matt spent time together outside the game.
Many photos were shared online, including the one below where Reilly wrote, “Finally got his guy out of the have-not room.”
Reilly was also on set when Matt filmed an upcoming episode of The Bold and the Beautiful.
But during a recent Instagram Live session, Reilly revealed that they are not dating.
“Am I dating Matt? We are not dating right now. He needs time – we talked about he needs time. He is doing his thing, and I’m not gonna interfere. I’ll always be his friend,” Reilly told her followers.
“He was pretty honest, and he said it’s not a good time for him, and he needs to… he is overwhelmed. He has a lot going on, so I’m just gonna… I’m going to be there for support when he needs me. And that’s that,” Reilly added.
More from Big Brother
CBS rolls out a Big Brother spin-off this winter.
The new show is Big Brother: Reindeer Games. It features 12 former houseguests, including three who will help host the episodes. Julie Chen Moonves has the winter off but will return for Big Brother 26 next summer.
Here is everything you need to know about Reindeer Games.
And here is the full episode schedule at CBS.
Big Brother 26 debuts in Summer 2024 on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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