Big Brother 24 opens its America’s Favorite Houseguest voting on Thursday night, giving fans a shot to reward their favorite players from this season.
Everyone other than Paloma Aguilar is available to be voted on as the 2022 AFH winner. She has been disqualified due to quitting the show this summer, leaving the other 15 houseguests competing for the title.
Recently, some interesting odds on who would win AFH came out, showing that there are certainly a number of fan-favorites within the cast who could receive a lot of support.
A nice cash prize of $50,000 will be awarded to America’s choice this season, but that’s not the only prize that is being given out.
According to the Big Brother website, the 2022 AFH winner also gets a seven-day cruise for two people that has an estimated value of $4,000. That’s a nice treat that they might not be expecting.
It’s important to note that the voting period is relatively short this season due to the remaining Big Brother 24 schedule at CBS.
How and when to vote for America’s Favorite Houseguest
Voting for America’s Favorite Houseguest opens at 9:30e/8:30c on the evening of Thursday, September 22. That’s also 6:30 p.m. PT for the fans living out on the West Coast.
And the voting will remain open until 9 a.m. PT / 12 p.m. ET on Sunday, September 25. That’s the day of the season finale, which is why the voting has to be closed relatively soon.
Who won America’s Favorite Houseguest last season?
As a member of the Big Brother 23 cast, Tiffany Mitchell won the AFH. Previous to that, winners included Nicole Anthony from BB21, Tyler Crispen from BB20, Cody Nickson from BB19, and Victor Arroyo from BB18.
Da’Vonne Rogers took home the award during Big Brother: All-Stars 2, which aired during Summer 2020 in place of a regular session.
Now, someone new is going to get added to that list of winners, and it will be very interesting to see who the fans support.
Will it be Kyle Capener who wins due to all the fan support he received after getting evicted? Is Taylor Hale in line to win the award after a rough beginning to her season? Maybe Matt Turner will win AFH due to the humor he has brought the season?
Make sure to vote early and often if you want your voice to be heard, and we will all find out the 2022 winner of America’s Favorite Houseguest during the season finale.
Don’t forget to tune in for the final few episodes of the season, and here is the schedule of the last episodes of BB24 on CBS.
Big Brother 24 airs on CBS during Summer 2022.
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