
Steve Harvey whacks Family Feud contestant’s podium for ‘banned’ buzzer maneuver: ‘You can’t play no more!’

steve harvey gets frustrated with a contestant on family feud
A Family Feud contestant was “banned” for trying to hit her buzzer too many times. Pic credit: @familyfeud/Instagram

Steve Harvey had to intervene when a Family Feud contestant wore out their welcome at the podium.

As fans of the show are aware, contestants who face off at the podium are read a survey question from Steve’s card.

Typically, it’s a big no-no for Family Feud contestants to buzz in before host Steve Harvey has finished reading his card.

Then, once a player taps their buzzer, they only have a few seconds to respond, or else they’re awarded the dreaded red “X” for no answer.

If the contestant gets a strike, the game is turned over to their opponent, who can come up with an answer on the board.

During this time, the first contestant—either due to a lack of an answer or a wrong answer—must remain silent while their opponent has a turn.

A Family Feud contestant earns a strike for excessive buzz-ins

During a recent Family Feud episode, a contestant named Heather broke the rules… twice.

A clip from Heather’s throwback episode was shared on Instagram in a Reel captioned, “Two wives also means two what?? 💍🤯💍 ‘You can’t play no more!'”

Steve began reading his cue card, stating, “A man might dream of having two wives…” but he didn’t get any further before Heather struck too soon.

Heather tapped her buzzer, immediately realizing she had made a mistake and thereby forfeiting any further chances of buzzing in until her opponent, Quintin, could do so.

Steve jokingly called on her, asking, “Yes?” as Heather stared at the studio audience, her mouth gaping open.

After a few seconds of silence, Heather was given the red “X” as the buzzer sounded, and Steve returned to business.

Steve continued to read the survey question and declared, “Let me finish the question.”

As he finished reading the question aloud, Steve pointed to Quintin, signaling it was his turn to have a crack at a correct answer.

Steve issues a warning for breaking Family Feud’s rules

Heather struck her buzzer again, but it didn’t make a sound since she was already disqualified for buzzing in too soon.

Heather didn’t give up, though, pressing her buzzer again; this time irritating Steve.

“You can’t play no more!” he warned as he swatted her side of the podium. “This game’s called Family Feud. This ain’t Hit the Buzzer!”

At the end of the clip, a red stamp logo reading “BANNED” was inserted across Heather’s image.

Family Feud fans love watching Steve Harvey’s impromptu slapstick comedy

The comments section of the Reel was brimming with comments from Family Feud fans who enjoyed watching Steve Harvey‘s reaction to Heather’s premature buzz-in.

Several Instagram users called Steve a “legend” and “literally the best Family Feud host ever.”

Slews of crying-laughing emojis were abundant, with one commenter calling Steve and Heather’s clip “one of the funniest moments in family feud history.”

family feud viewers react to a funny episode on instagram
Family Feud fans love Steve’s quick wit. Pic credit: @familyfeud/Instagram

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