Derek Frazier is on Big Brother 23, and he has an important decision to make this summer. Will he let the rest of the BB23 cast know that his father is famous boxer Smokin’ Joe Frazier? It could impact his entire game, depending on how he handles that topic.
The full BB23 cast was revealed on Thursday, showing viewers who the 16 people are who will be competing for the $500,000 prize. Everyone is new to the show, with the producers moving away from using returning houseguests to generate interest.
There will be many big moments and twists revealed during the season premiere, including the fact that the BB23 cast will be playing in teams. That team element will last for a few weeks, and it could put an exciting wrinkle into the gameplay of several people.
As the end of the season premiere approaches on July 7, another big twist will be presented to the Big Brother 23 cast. Someone will receive an offer that they might not be able to refuse, which could impact how things go for the first week or even longer.
Who is Derek Frazier on Big Brother 23?
Derek is a safety officer from Philadelphia who describes himself as loud, outgoing, and assertive. When he was asked who his favorite duo from past Big Brother seasons was, he said that it was Derrick Levasseur and Cody Calafiore from Big Brother 16.
Derek’s strategy to win the game is to “Try to get to know everyone on a personal level, so they never put me on the block. I will get everyone to do my dirty work because I am good at being a leader.”
Activities that Derek says he enjoys include going out, dancing at the bars, CrossFit, and binge-watching TV. Regarding what he feels will be the most difficult part about living in the Big Brother house, he thinks that it will be having to go a long time without his phone.
And when it comes to some really impressive strength measurements, Derek said that he could lift a lot of weight. He can reportedly bench 315 pounds, deadlift 500 pounds, and back squat 520 pounds. Those are amazing numbers that might make him a great teammate to have for a physical challenge.
As for his father, Smokin’ Joe Frazier is a really famous boxer and a former heavyweight champion who beat Muhammad Ali. Some of his other boxing accolades include winning the Golden Gloves championship and the heavyweight gold medal at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
More news from the world of Big Brother
An amusing post by the Big Brother 8 winner stated that he didn’t like having two Derek’s on the BB23 cast. It will be interesting to see if either of them wants to go by a nickname this summer.
Nicole Franzel and Victor Arroyo from Big Brother 18 are expecting their first child to arrive soon. They met as members of the BB18 cast and got married shortly after Nicole finished playing BB22.
And while we are on the topic of BB22 players, Christmas Abbott and Memphis Garrett just got engaged. The couple has been dating ever since that season ended, and now they are engaged to be married.
Getting engaged has become a very familiar topic to Big Brother showmances. Tyler Crispen and Angela Rummans from BB20 recently got engaged as well.
Frankie Grande from BB16 also got engaged when he proposed to his long-time boyfriend.
Big Brother 23 debuts July 7 on CBS.