Alyssa Ellman’s negative behavior and thoughts towards Chris Collette on this season of Married at First Sight have been criticized by viewers who spoke against her latest words and actions on the show.
Not only did Alyssa throw a fit and order producers to keep Chris away from her, but she also body-shamed him and refused to take part in activities with him on their honeymoon.
Many MAFS viewers thought her acting out was unwarranted because it was clear that Chris was trying to respect her boundaries and just make positive strides within the bad situation.
All of the anger MAFS fans are feeling towards Alyssa after watching the latest episode was very present on social media, and in particular, Twitter users made memes and statements against her behavior and in defense of Chris.
Alyssa Ellman was called out by MAFS viewers for her treatment of Chris Collette
On Twitter, MAFS critics attacked Alyssa Ellman for her offensive behavior towards Chris when he was not even instigating anything.
One viewer used a still image of Alyssa standing on the beach after she chose not to participate in any activities with Chris and proceeded to talk badly about his body.
They captioned, “Okay girly but why are you shading Chris’ body? Please chill. I truly hope that when she rewatches herself on this show that it allows her to do some deep introspection. I wish the producers would just end this misery now.”
Another critic made the statement, “Yo. I am completely disgusted by Alyssa and her behavior. Her and this prissy princess attitude has got to go. This sucks he has to experience that on his honeymoon. He did not sign up for any of this.”

Another annoyed critic used a GIF of someone criticizing another person and added, “Alyssa, you are NOT that girl that you think you are! I wish Chris would humble her…”
Alyssa Ellman will address the other MAFS couples during the next episode
The MAFS couples have sensed that something has been wrong between Alyssa and Chris but no one has tried to pry into it and both of them have kept quiet in front of the other couples.
It looks like that will change during the next episode based on the trailer because a clip showed Alyssa getting ready to address the group.
It’s becoming more and more clear to MAFS viewers and Chris that Alyssa has shut down any interest in continuing the process with Chris and feels like the matchmakers failed her.
Chris said on the last episode that he had not given up all hope but it remains to be seen if he changes his tune after Alyssa’s meltdown.
Married at First Sight airs on Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.
I think Alyssa should be ashamed of herself. She isn’t exactly that pretty .
Alysa is a witch!!!!!
Alyssa Ellman is a prissy nobody!!! She thinks she is a true catch… WRONG!!! cHRIS IS THE CATCH AND YOU LOST HIM. He needs to DIVORCE you immediately and clear the air of betrayal!!!!.
They need to kick Alyssa Ellman and give Chris tthe divorce. She should have never been allowed to have been on the show.
Alyssa only wants to be on tv! She never gave a damn about Chris and she looked for an out the moment she got married!
Chris needs a re-do! Alyssa needs to go. Don’t give her any more airtime!!!! She is the exact opposite of a “good person”. Grow up Alyssa!
Totally discussing to see an Alyssa person behave like that and think she has not done anything wrong. Get rid of her. American does not to see people like her on their televisions.
Alyssa is only reason she is on the show for the trips and camera time. She’s comfortable wanting to be involved with everyone Honeymoon.. Her comment on wedding night “I’m not comfortable sharing a room with a STRANGER. Girl, you’re on Married at First Sight a/k/a STRANGER! So all the couples have listen to her whining “I’m a good person”. Clearly she’s the only person believes it! She’s selfish, rude, looking for a fight as her “validation”. It’s disappointing her motive was looking for TV air time with all the perks! She needs to go!
Chris needs to end it. I hope he didn’t get involved further with her. I don’t know the name for her but she lies and believes herself. She wants the perks the show offers.. I’m sure the other couples don’t want her tagging around with them. That ladies elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top. She’s screwy
Wow, your LACK of friends must be pretty bad anytime you would rather STAY ON TELEVISION MAKING A TOTAL ASS of YOURSELF, to get friends, when I really feel like they’re just being kind. They say birds of a feather flock together, I DON’T BELIEVE they’re going to LOWER THEIR STANDARDS to be ASSOCIATED(not friends) with THE LIKES OF YOU!!!!!
She never wanted anything other than some type of tv/social media fame….she is so worried about how she will look bad… cannot believe they did not pick up on her intentions during the selection process but I guess ultimately, MAFS is getting what they want as well….people talking about the show! For her, all she is going to end up with is a horrific image….good luck finding a date after this…..you are getting attention; just not the kind you wanted LOL!
Yesterdays show-She says what a nice person as she refuses to cohabitate with Chis and suggests She move into the apt in Boston alone. He said no he was going to be there.Her compromise was ok you take the 1st 2 weeks and I will do the 2nd alone. Why? Because she wants to live in a nice place and hang out with the cast. Which I found out is bogus because if you leave the show you got to pony up 50k. She is on there to avoid the fine and to be on the tube to attract some handsome rich guy. She accused Chis and the crew for making her look bad. Pastor Cal came on the screen from the USA and said they were monitoring the situation. Really? How about you get off the sofa and fly there? It is because of ratings. They love a great train wreck. He and the other so called experts should be canned. They pick this piece of work and did not jump right in when she started this abuse. He should be given the 50k which she should be forced to pay for fraud. Then Mark’s wife should set him up with one of her pals.