
Felicia makes a new alliance after surviving Big Brother eviction

Felicia BB25 Living Room
Felicia Cannon was a member of the Big Brother 25 cast. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 25 sent someone else home on Thursday night, but it wasn’t Felicia Cannon.

Izzy Gleicher got sent home before the BB25 jury phase began as the house flipped its vote.

Felicia may have learned some integral information during her week on the block, and she acted on it.

Cameron Hardin put Felicia next to Izzy on the block – even though he wanted Cirie Fields to become a replacement nominee.

While Felicia was on the block, Cameron told her she was about to get sent home due to her alliance bailing on her.

Felicia only survived because of a vote flip that put America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger on the wrong side of Jared Fields.

A new final two alliance on Big Brother 25

Spoilers came out on the live feeds after Izzy’s eviction, including Jared Fields winning the HOH Competition.

And the next day, Jared had one-on-one meetings with everyone.

As the dust settled in the house, Felicia and Mecole Hayes realized they were on the outside of things.

Mecole and Felicia each figured out that Jared and Cirie had a two-person alliance that couldn’t be broken.

The ladies then decided to make a two-person alliance of their own.

The video below depicts the moment Mecole and Felicia came together.

Can Felicia keep this alliance to herself? Only time will tell. History predicts that she will eventually tell someone else about it.

More news from Big Brother 25

Jared hosted his Nomination Ceremony on Friday (September 15). And he revealed his target to nearly all of the house.

The results were expected – especially after Jared and Cody had a huge fight before the Eviction Ceremony.

The extended argument also gave Jared an excuse for decisions he makes down the line, even though Big Brother fans know he is just gaslighting people.

And in a new exit interview, Red said that the game is “rigged” for Cirie to win.

Red shares the same sentiment as some Big Brother fans who feel Cirie has a huge advantage this season.

Here is a link to the updated Big Brother schedule. CBS had to shift episode times again, and many Big Brother fans have become frustrated with the results.

Wednesday nights will belong to the new Survivor cast. CBS is rolling out 90-minute episodes of its long-running reality competition series.

But there are also rumors about a Big Brother winter season that could involve either celebrities or possibly legends of the game.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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10 months ago

Why do people think they have to do what hoh says they must do. Its like Jared threatened Corey and America with their pov picks and must use it. Go home Jared