
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Who got nominated by Wall Comp winner?

Bowie Jane On BB25
The Big Brother 25 cast featured Bowie Jane. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 25 spoilers reveal who Jared Fields nominated for eviction.

Jared won the Endurance Challenge on Thursday night (September 14), putting him back in power.

That victory came on the same day there was a huge fight between Jared and Cory Wurtenberger. And it put Cory in a tough spot.

Jared created a plan last week that he is ready to carry out.

But there are new things to think about. Host Julie Chen Moonves revealed that only seven people will be on the BB25 jury.

Would that jury news cause his plans to change?

Getting ready for the Week 7 Nomination Ceremony

Red Utley got sent home the last time Jared was the HOH.

Jared said he was targeting Cameron Hardin for eviction, but Cameron won the Power of Veto again.

Jag Bains was used as a replacement nominee. And Red got sent home.

In a new exit interview, Red said that the game is “rigged” for Cirie to win.

On Friday (September 15), Jared met with each houseguest as he set his plans. The conversations didn’t go well for him, but people were accepting to his face since he is the HOH.

Meanwhile, everyone other than his mom (Cirie) was conspiring against him in the other rooms.

If Jared doesn’t figure out what’s happening this week, he may target the wrong person.

Without Izzy Gleicher as a shield, Jared and Cirie could be in trouble.

Who did Jared nominate for eviction this time?

The Week 7 Nomination Ceremony took place late on Friday.

Jared nominated America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger for eviction.

America and Cory were told they would be nominated, and Jared threatened them about how to use the Power of Veto.

If they don’t get on board with his plan, Jared says the house will vote out America.

On Saturday (September 16), they will play in the Veto Competition.

Cameron must be selected as a player and win the Power of Veto to control his destiny.

That will lead to the final nominees for eviction night.

Julie also revealed that it is a Double Eviction on Thursday (September 14), so two people are going home.

Jared cannot play in the HOH Competition that day, so he could end up on the block as a target when his reign of power ends.

Here is a link to the updated Big Brother schedule. CBS has shifted things with the Fall 2023 schedule arriving.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.

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