Big Brother 26 spoilers reveal messy chatter about how the Power of Veto could be used this week.
Much has happened after Lisa Weintraub was evicted, so let’s break that down first.
Cedric Hodges won the Week 3 Head of Household Competition. It happened later the same night Lisa was evicted.
Cedric immediately worked on his nominations, noting that he was nominating Angela Murray and needed to volunteer pawns.
Kenney Kelley and Tucker Des Lauriers volunteered again. Tucker spoke about enjoying being on the block, while Kenney stated he was ready to go home.
Leah Peters and Makensy Manbeck joined Kenney, Tucker, Angela, and Cedric for the Week 3 Veto Competition.
Tucker won the Power of Veto, which should have hinted at an easy Veto Meeting. But Tucker wants to shake things up.
Tucker with a messy plan with the Power of Veto
A Veto Meeting is scheduled for Monday (August 5), where Tucker wants to use the POV to save Angela. You read that right.
One version of his plan is to save Angela and have Cedric name Quinn Martin as the replacement nominee. They are perturbed that he has the power and has been dishonest about it.
Chats about flushing Quinn’s power have popped up on the Big Brother Live Feeds, but Tucker may want to remove it from the game altogether.
Kenney, Tucker, and Quinn would play the AI Arena Challenge in this scenario. If Quinn remained on the block, Tucker would tell everyone about the power and get Quinn voted out.
Alternatively, Cedric could name Makensy Manbeck as the replacement nominee. This would be to flush out her power. She would save herself from the block using America’s Veto, and then the fans would choose a replacement for Makensy.
Would Tucker use the POV to save someone else?
Being on the block, winning the POV, and using it to save someone other than yourself is very risky.
Would Tucker save Angela and leave his fate up to chance? That could lead to some good TV.
As a reminder, the Veto Meeting happens on Monday afternoon (August 5). That’s when we will learn what has happened and if America’s Vote comes into play.
It’s possible that Tucker could get nervous and use the POV on himself. If that’s the case, Cedric must still name a replacement nominee, so Makensy may see the block.
More from the Big Brother universe
Lisa’s goodbye messages from the BB26 cast were revealed. She got to see what everyone felt about that edible glitter.
Here’s the schedule for BB26 episodes in August. Some differing nights and times are coming up, including a two-hour installment.
Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.
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