Part 1 of 90 Day: The Single Life Tell All had many explosive and unforeseen moments around the most talked about issues the cast experienced.
As the cast embarked on their quest for love for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time, there were some messy, dramatic, and shocking situations that occurred. These situations were put on blast during the Tell All and led to heated arguments challenging revelations.
Host, Shaun Robinson, did not hold back with her questions and brought on surprising guests to spice up the dialogue and dig deeper into different issues from the cast members.
There were plenty of arguments on Part 1 of the Tell All
As Ed and Liz tried to explain why their relationship disintegrated and ended with a breakup, the cast sided with Liz.
Colt and Ed got into several arguments as Ed was gaslighting and Colt was calling him out for using excuses all the time. When Colt’s mom, Debbie, came on stage, she got into an argument with Ed because Ed said that Colt needed to “get off the nipple.”
The ensuing argument went back and forth about Colt’s codependence on his mother as Debbie bashed Ed for being a creep and a hypocrite.
Mohamed got upset at the end of his segment with Danielle over not wanting to give any more information about his personal life and claimed that he was done with the show altogether.

Some relationships improved during the Tell All
Colt explained before the Tell All that the excitement wasn’t there between him and Vanessa after getting engaged but he’s still committed to her. During their interview, Vanessa said that Colt had been extremely transparent and that she trusted him 90% now.
Their sex life was talked about at length, since it is one of the biggest issues in their relationship, and they concluded that they just have different sex drives and levels of intimacy they’re comfortable with but that they are working on it. A few of the cast members called Colt out for being a sex addict but he did say he has been getting professional help for his hyper-sexuality.
Despite all the brutally honest things that were said between Liz and Big Ed, they shared a moment where they both said they missed each other and even said “I love you.”
Danielle never went on a third date with Robert, with whom she shared a kiss, so Shaun brought him in remotely to find out why. He said he has had some personal things stand in the way of having another date but that he was interested in her and in going out again. Danielle agreed to go on another date.
Danielle also said that she had forgiven Mohamed for the comment about her smelling, and Mohamed even apologized to her during the Tell All.
Some scandalous things were said

Brittany had not been seen or heard from by the time the Tell All started, but they had Brittany’s love interest Terence come out, along with her ex, Yazan.
Terence said Brittany had been very selfish, hot and cold, and confusing, and that they were currently broken up. He divulged that Brittany recently had a boob job when he was speculating as to why she didn’t show up.
Shaun Robinson grilled Yazan about whether or not he had oral sex with Brittany as she claimed during the show, and he vehemently denied it. Yazan also shared that he is getting married this summer to a woman he has never met in person.
90 Day:The Single Life is currently streaming on Discovery+.