A recent episode of Family Feud has viewers calling out its suggestive survey questions.
Family Feud shared a clip from the episode on YouTube in a video captioned with a rather peculiar question.
“Fellas, your mother-in-law did what to your bottom??” it read.
In the clip, two opponents went head-to-head at the podium as host Steve Harvey informed them that their team of surveyors asked 100 married men to provide them with responses.
The question that followed wasn’t one anybody expected: “What would you be surprised your mother-in-law just did to your bottom?”
Despite the question’s bawdy nature, the contestants played along as if they weren’t fazed.
Family Feud viewers rant and rave over ‘gross’ survey questions
In the comments section of the YouTube video, Family Feud fans weren’t shy about expressing their distaste for the question.
One YouTube user felt Family Feud producers were “trying to shock Steve with these questions.”
“What kind of questions do these producers come up with!” another Family Feud fan pondered.
@jaengen commented, “What a smut show this has become.”
Others called the survey question “weird” and “so gross.”
“These questions get wilder by the day,” read another comment.
In response, @jonathanwoodard4541 replied, “Yeah the producers of this show are getting kind of cringe tbh.”

The Hales and the Paynes were unfazed by the survey question
As we mentioned, the contestants weren’t as bothered by the question as viewers were.
Moose from the Hale family was the first to tap his buzzer, answering, “Spank.”
His answer was number one on the board, with 57 survey participants sharing the same thought.
The Hales were able to round up the second, third, and fourth-place answers, which were “Pinch/squeezed,” “Touch/rubbed,” and “Kissed.”
However, they couldn’t come up with the number five answer, turning the game over to the Payne family, who had the chance to steal and sweep the game—and they did just that.
The Paynes opted for “Complimented” as their aggregate answer, the number five answer on the board, albeit with just two responses.
Family Feud fans previously slammed the show for turning away from being family-friendly
This wasn’t the first time Family Feud viewers complained about the show’s survey questions.
As Monsters and Critics previously reported, livid fans threatened to stop watching after griping about its NSFW survey questions and answers.
Quite a few Family Feud viewers felt the show used to be family-friendly but has since become a more raunchy game show.
One such critic renamed the show “Freaky Feud,” and another accused the producers of “taking the family out of family feud.”