The Big Brother Cliff interview was quick on Thursday night. Now, a slightly extended version with Cliff’s goodbye messages is available for fans to watch.
Episode 38 was the end of the road for Cliff Hogg. It meant that the final three houseguests were Nicole Anthony, Holly Allen, and Jackson Michie. Not a trio that many people predicted at the beginning of the summer.
The final three already played Part 1 of the final HOH Competition, with those results coming out on the live feeds. We won’t spoil that here, though, as this article is about Cliff and his time in the game.
Cliff had a good chance to make it to the final three this summer, but choosing to evict Tommy Bracco instead of Holly could be one of those mistakes that he will have to mull over for the rest of his life.
For fans who want to show their support for Cliff, the BB vote is now open to select America’s Favorite Houseguest. Cliff used to be one of the favorites, but now it could be a struggle for him to win the $25,000 prize.
Cliff Big Brother interview
Below are the Cliff goodbye messages, including Jackson trying to make him feel guilty. At least Nicole had some positive things to say to him, like telling him that he was now a member of her family. Holly definitely did some great jury managing with her comments, which is not the route that Jackson decided to take. Mistake? We shall see.
There are only two episodes left this season. The first is on Sunday, September 22, where viewers will get to see how the final HOH Competition is progressing. Then, on Wednesday, September 25, the BB21 jury will pick who they want to be named the 2019 Big Brother winner. AFH will also be announced by host Julie Chen Moonves.
Big Brother 21 season finale is Wednesday, September 25 at 9:30/8:30c on CBS.
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