
Steve Harvey demands Family Feud contestants get in a huddle after teammate ‘flunked’ for survey answer

steve harvey at his hollywood walk of fame ceremony
Steve made a Family Feud team pay for their teammate’s mistake. Pic credit: ©

Steve Harvey took it upon himself to lecture a Family Feud team after one of their teammates made a major on-air blunder.

A contestant named Twalla suffered a major podium failure, and Steve Harvey made her pay for it.

Twalla’s embarrassing moment was shared on Instagram by Family Feud.

The Reel was captioned, “A state where people say ‘y’all’? 🇺🇸🤔😂 @iamsteveharveytv: ‘I ain’t gotta say nothing.'”

During her turn at the podium for her face-off, Twalla from the Carter family went against her opponent, Mala, from the Thaiphos family.

Steve read from his card, directing the ladies to “Name a US state where people say ‘y’all.'”

Steve instructs the Carters to ‘get in a huddle’

Twalla was the first to tap her buzzer during this episode of Family Feud. But her answer wasn’t exactly one anyone was expecting.

“Atlanta,” Twalla answered with conviction.

“Mm, okay,” was Steve’s reaction as he asked the producers to reveal whether Twalla’s answer was on the board.

Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t since Steve asked for a state, not a city.

Steve immediately turned the board over to Mala, who answered, “Georgia.”

“Georgia… Oh!” Steve said upon hearing Mala’s answer, which was the number-three answer on the board.

Twalla realized her mistake as she returned to her family’s side of the stage and Steve joked, “I ain’t gotta say nothin’.”

Steve then addressed Twalla’s teammates, telling them, “And you’re all gonna get in a huddle so y’all can start discussing the difference between cities and states.”

Twalla and her family members obliged and huddled as Steve requested.

To add to the humor, Family Feud producers placed a large, red stamp logo that read “FLUNKED” over Twalla’s image.

Twalla’s team won the game despite her error

Despite Twalla’s mishap at the podium, the Carters went on to win the game.

A clip of the rest of the game was shared on YouTube in a video titled, “Podium FAIL!! A U.S. state where people say ‘y’all’??”

The Thaiphos family couldn’t avoid three strikes, turning the game over to Twalla and company.

Twalla’s team delivered the top survey response, Texas, with 37 points on the board.

Alabama came in second place with 17 points, Georgia in third place with 11 points, Louisiana in fourth place with seven points, Arkansas in fifth place with five points, Tennesee in sixth place with four points, and Kentucky in seventh place with four points.

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