Have you ever wished you could hang up your purse or coat while you’re out?
Many people don’t like to put their belongings on a chair or the ground but have no other options. That is where the YONO Clip comes in.
Inventors Bob Mackey and Michael Green had the idea after tripping over a bag at the gym.
They saw a need for a portable hook that people could bring with them and hang their belongings anywhere they needed.
A portable hook will be featured on Shark Tank
Especially during a pandemic, it is more important than ever to keep your belongings clean. Leaving things on the floor can be very dirty.
Keeping your items germ-free while you’re out and about is top priority.
Tonight, Bob and Michael will pitch their portable hooks to the Sharks on Shark Tank.
They currently sell the clips online in six different colors: black, white, red, blue, pink, and green. They are selling the clips for $19.99 each.
The clips can hold up to 15 pounds, according to the website.
They recommend holding up purses, gym bags, coats, water bottles, backpacks, and more.
The clip works by pulling a lever out instead of pushing it in like most options. It clips to most surfaces and won’t leave anything behind.
The YONO Clip stays on most surfaces
They submitted their design for a crowdfunding campaign and reached their goal of $10,000 in just under 24 hours.
Since many factories are shut down during the pandemic, they decided to create the clips themselves using 3-D printing machines. Bob and Michael taught themselves how to use the machine.
On a whim, they decided to apply for Shark Tank, and to their surprise, they were chosen for the show!
They hope to show viewers that any dream can be possible. It certainly seems like an interesting idea if they really work!
Will the Sharks like their idea of a portable hook called the YONO Clip? Find out tonight on Shark Tank.
In the meantime, if you’re interested in trying the YONO Clip for yourself, click here to purchase one.
Shark Tank airs every Friday on ABC at 8 p.m. EST.