
Travis from Big Brother 23: Extended interview with Julie Chen Moonves

Travis Long BB23 Eviction
Travis Long was the first person evicted from the Big Brother 23 cast. Pic credit: CBS

Travis Long was evicted from Big Brother 23 on Thursday night. On his way out, though, he gave host Julie Chen Moonves an extended interview where he covered more topics than he did during the live episode on CBS.

It was a pretty one-sided eviction, with Travis sent home on an 11-2 vote after Head of Household Frenchie worked to get him out of the house. The only two votes that went against Alyssa Lopez were thrown out there by Derek Frazier and Tiffany Mitchell to create a bit of chaos in the house.

As fate would have it, the former team of Travis ended up winning the Head of Household Competition later that night. Kyland Young is the new HOH and had Travis just remained in the game a little while longer, he would have been safe for the week.

Travis answered a few questions from Julie before time ran out on the episode, but he stuck around to speak with her a bit longer once the HOH Competition had been played and the credits had rolled on Episode 4.

Travis Long interview with Julie Chen Moonves

The extended interview that Travis and Julie took part in is shared below. For fans of Travis, it’s certainly worth watching, as it gives more perspective from his side of things. He addressed why he didn’t end up forming any real alliances in the house during his week and how he had succumbed to the “Surfer’s Curse” that may exist within the house. Travis even admitted to already knowing about that curse.

Much more Big Brother 23 this summer

For the rest of the BB23 cast, it is back to business following the eviction of Travis Long. A new group of Have-Nots has already been selected and they are going through their punishments.

Soon, Kyland will be hosting the second Nomination Ceremony of the summer, where he will have to start burning some bridges when it comes to the rest of the cast.

Before the nominees are revealed, the Big Brother 23 cast also has to play a new Wildcard Competition. Safety is on the line, but Julie revealed that there is a twist this time. The winner of safety will also have to go to a new team. It’s something that could be risky, but it could also shake things up a bit in the house.

Frenchie is already acting very stressed on the live feeds and he is certainly worried about being the main target for eviction this week. Will all of Frenchie’s alliances from Week 1 help him to survive another week in the game? We shall see.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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