After appearing as part of MTV’s Battle of the Eras, Devin Walker won’t leave The Challenge fans’ TV screens anytime soon.
The former Ride or Dies winner will return when the newest season of the All Stars spin-off arrives on MTV for the first time.
Devin is part of The Challenge: All Stars Rivals, where castmates with some rivalry or feud will team up, trying to reach and win the final.
For Devin, he’ll partner with Leroy Garrett, who was also part of Season 40 and is returning for his second-straight All Stars season.
Leroy and Devin have a history from another season they played together. One was involved in the other’s elimination that season, ending their time in the competition.
Both cast members popped up in the newest All Stars promotional videos, but Devin received more criticism from fans for his appearance.
Devin called himself ‘one of the best’ in The Challenge
“Honestly, I’m one of the best to ever do it. I piss excellence. Can’t nobody touch my stuff,” Devin said at the start of an All Stars promo video.
The sound of a record scratching to a stop follows, with a shot of Leroy doing a facepalm in his confessional interview.
Later in the video, Leroy says it’s “an absolute honor” to be among The Challenge’s All Stars. He says he’s participated in some moments that “people will remember forever.”
Based on another promotional video, Devin and Leroy are rivals because when they were Double Agents castmates, Leroy put Devin into an elimination that sent him home.
Others featured in the video include Ashley “Millionaire” Mitchell, Corey Lay, Da’Vonne Rogers, Frank Sweeney, Veronica Portillo, Beth Stolarczyk, Nany Gonzalez, and Shane Landrum.
Various competitors, including Beth and Katie, explain what makes them All Stars, mentioning their history with the competition series. Veronica mentions her legacy, including being one of the only women to have won three seasons of The Challenge.
“Liberal use of the word All Star. Dario’s here,” Devin closes the video with, referencing castmate Dario Medrano.
Here’s what fans said about Devin’s All Stars remarks
In the Instagram comments section, fans mentioned why they took exception to Devin’s appearance in the promo videos.
“Quit giving cringe a** Devin all these intros – I PROMISE there’s better personalities on this cast,” a fan commented.
Another wrote, “Oh LawDDDD! If Bananas & Wes have a baby……it would be Devin at this point!”
A commenter suggested that Devin is “trying to be Bananas 2.0” and told him, “Stop imitating playa’!!”
“Devin is so F***** CORNYY,” a commenter wrote on the IG post.

The former Ride or Dies winner was amongst those appearing at MTV’s Season 40 reunion, where he had plenty to say about his alliance, showmance with Michele Fitzgerald, and rivalry with castmate Johnny Bananas.
He’ll likely have plenty more to say about his All Stars 5 castmates as he and Leroy attempt to win this version of The Challenge against some of the game’s most ferocious cast members.
The Challenge: All Stars Rivals premieres Wednesday, January 29 at 8/7c on MTV.
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