90 Day Fiance alum Tania Maduro was able to poke fun at herself and another 90 Day star while doing a Q&A with fans.
Tania has been living out of a van and traveling around the U.S. while documenting her experiences.
The Q&A Tania prompted asked, “Can you guess which 90day cast member is joining me & road tripping this week?!”
One of the more provocative answers Tania got was from a fan who guessed, “Natalie #teamcrazyeyes.”
Tania took that response and ran with it by putting a side-by-side comparison picture of Natalie staring intently next to an image of herself with an intent stare.
Above the photos, Tania asked and exclaimed, “CRAZY eyes contest-Who wins this battle?!?!”

Tania Maduro and Natalie Mordovtseva are cast members on 90 Day: The Single Life
Tania appeared on Season 2 of 90 Day: The Single Life when she and her now-estranged husband Syngin Colchester had their tearful goodbye and final breakup.
Now, she is a primary cast member on Season 3 of The Single Life where her foray back into dating is being highlighted in Aruba. She has been running into some trouble as one date criticized her for still being married.
Natalie appeared on Season 2 of The Single Life and has returned for Season 3. She has been interested in a man named Josh and has been trying to get him to be in a committed relationship with her after only a few dates.
Natalie slept with Josh after their third date and said that she only sleeps with people she considers to be the father of her kids. She also revealed their sex was unprotected but announced that she didn’t think she could be pregnant after one time.
90 Day Fiance fans have been reacting to Tania Maduro’s ‘van life’
In real time, Tania has been on her van life adventure and 90 Day critics have noticed.
Many have aimed at her lifestyle choice and thrown shade her way.
One person jabbed, “Tania lives in a van now. Things are really coming together for her.”
While another pointed out, “So both of them (Tania and Syngin) still unemployed just separately and nothing’s changed.”
Yet another 90 Day viewer poked, “I hope she’s got enough room inside to ‘EXpLorE [her] Se*uALitY.'”.
90 Day: The Single Life airs Mondays at 8/7c on TLC and Discovery+.