TLC’s Sister Wives is quarantining and staying safe at home, but that doesn’t mean they are not having some fun.
Janelle Brown’s family of six is celebrating son Hunter’s return from the Air Force Academy, graduated and now at home with his siblings.
To mark the moment, Janelle Brown celebrated the return of Hunter with a rare dinner photo, posted on Instagram.
There are more photos too of Hunter, now reunited with brothers Gabriel and Garrison.
Janelle is using that Instagram account of hers to share goofy photos of these stay-at-home brothers having fun while eating dinner, even wearing empty cardboard soda boxes on their heads in another shot.
It is clear from her feed on Instagram that she is thrilled to have most of her brood under one roof.
What did Hunter Brown accomplish?
It is official. Hunter Brown made it through the Air Force Academy, and now that he is home, he joins Janelle’s other sons Gabriel and Garrison (Logan is living a more private life and is engaged to Michelle Petty).
Janelle has a house full of young men, whereas Christine has a lot of girls and only one son, Paedon.
She also shared the moment Hunter crossed the stage to graduate. You can tell she was positively beaming with pride:
On Instagram, Janelle wrote:
“This year is full of the unusual and bittersweet. Not how we imagined we would be watching Hunter commission and graduate, but here we are. Big graduation ceremony tomorrow. #airforcemom #proud
While Logan lives a more private life, Gabriel, Robert Garrison, and Hunter are making the best of the quarantine at Janelle’s house right now.
Their sister Savanah is also living at home.
Janelle is the calm in the Brown storm this season
Sister Wives star Janelle Brown is a fan favorite for her level headed approach to all things dramatic during a tumultuous season. She doesn’t pout.
She doesn’t storm off and blow-up in front of the cameras like some of the other wives.
Her Twitter description reads: “Mom of 6 but I think 18 are mine.” That sentiment sums up her love for all the Brown children.
Janelle has always presented herself as a pleasant, cool customer in a cast full of people that seem to be at a crossroads for varying reasons this season.
But having Hunter home is delighting her to no end, and even Kody Brown is thrilled for his son. He retweeted Janelle’s post about Hunter’s accomplishment:
This year is full of the unusual and bittersweet. Not how we imagined we would be watching Hunter commission and graduate, but here we are. Big graduation ceremony tomorrow. #airforcemom #proud https://t.co/7y3cFXZHkq
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) April 17, 2020
On Instagram, Janelle wrote: “First dinner with Hunter since he arrived home for summer break. I obviously raised gentlemen with great table manners.”
Tune in to see what Hunter Brown plans on doing now that he has the hurdle of the Academy behind him, on Sister Wives.
Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10/9c on TLC.