
Seeking Sister Wife Spoilers: Dimitri wants to make Christeline his ‘forever wife’

Dimitri Snowden and Christeline Petersen of Seeking Sister Wife
On this week’s episode, Dimitri wants to take things to the next level with Christeline and make her his “forever wife.” Pic credit: TLC

In this week’s episode of Seeking Sister Wife, Dimitri Snowden decided that he was ready to take things to the next level with potential sister wife Christeline Petersen and revealed that he wanted to make her his “forever wife.”

Dimitri and Ashley Snowden were still reeling from their breakup with Tayler Middleton, who left during quarantine to return to Texas, and decided that she wasn’t happy in their plural relationship.

Tayler revealed her intentions to break up with the Snowdens during a video call with Dimitri. They packed up her room and shipped her things off to her in Texas. Ashley said of the breakup, “Yeah, well a lot of things didn’t go the we foresaw them, that’s for sure.”

Chrissy became the Snowdens’ sole sister wife after Tayler left

Since Tayler’s departure, Chrissy had taken on the role of sister wife by herself, caring for the family’s combined five children, cooking, cleaning, and all of the other responsibilities that come along as a wife and mother in a polygamous relationship.

Dimitri admitted that things have been going well with Christeline. Although she and Tayler had a close bond, Chrissy seemed to have found her way in the relationship, according to Dimitri.

Feeling as though things were going really well, and realizing that Chrissy is a South African native, Dimitri brought up a legal marriage to his first (spiritual) wife, Ashley, as a way to keep Chrissy with their family.

Chrissy admitted that things were going ‘very well’ but that she was ‘really missing’ her family

“Because of Covid, this has been an extended visit for me and my girls,” Chrissy told cameras, “We’ve been here almost five months but so far things have been going very well with Ashley and Dimitri.”

She continued, “But at the same time, I do wish the travel restrictions would be lifted. I didn’t expect to be in America for this long, and I’m really missing my family.”

Dimitri approached Ashley, while offering a foot massage, and wanted to see how she was feeling about Chrissy and how things were going in the relationship.

“So much has happened in such a short amount of time,” Ashley revealed, “She’s been here through a pandemic, a breakup, Tayler moving out, you know, but one thing that never really changed was how we felt about Christeline.”

“You know, she’s a great mom, and she’s definitely been an energetic addition to the family,” Ashley added.

Dimitri and Ashley were happy with how things were going with Chrissy

Dimitri revealed to Ashley that Chrissy is “everything” and asked that since everyone was happy about where their relationship stood, “Are we ready to make that official forever commitment?”

Dimitri told cameras during his solo confessional that “Chrissy is d**n-near perfect. It’s obvious that there’s a sexual attraction there, like there’s no secret. Of course, like, I desire her and it’s mutual, but it’s bigger than that.”

He felt as though everyone bonded and said that Chrissy “tempers” him in a way that’s important to his “growth.”

Dimitri revealed he wanted to make Chrissy his ‘forever wife’

“I love her, she is the one and I am ready to make her my forever wife,” Dimitri confessed.

Ashley was a bit hesitant about spending a lifetime with Chrissy, due to the fact they have been hurt before, specifically their split from Vanessa.

She explained that being someone’s wife isn’t the only way to protect herself legally in her relationship and revealed that years ago, she and Dimitri made legal arrangements to ensure she would be taken care of in the event “anything should happen.”

Ashley did admit that down the line, the issue of one legal wife versus one spiritual wife could come to light, but felt the marriage with Chrissy would be worth it, calling her their “person.”

Knowing that he was on the same page as Ashley, Dimitri was confident moving forward with asking Chrissy to marry him, though he showed some reservations about her and her daughters wanting to be away from South Africa and her family there.

Fans now know that Dimitri didn’t find a ‘forever wife’ in Chrissy

Fans of the show now know that things didn’t end up working out between Dimitri, Ashley and Christeline, as Dimitri filed for divorce earlier this year, and claimed Chrissy abandoned the marriage.

The divorce filing came on the heels of Chrissy’s request for protective orders from both Dimitri and Ashley for alleged domestic abuse, which were later dissolved by a judge.

It’s been revealed that currently Chrissy is in hiding with her two daughters, and a GoFundMe was organized to help her regain her life in South Africa.

A lot more has come forth about the Snowdens’ alleged abuse against their former sister wives, and it looks like there is still a lot more that hasn’t been heard from all sides.

Seeking Sister Wife airs on Mondays at 8/7c on TLC and Discovery+.

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