With the recent return of many OG cast members for The Challenge: All Stars and its sequel season, All Stars 2, viewers got to see Katie Cooley back in action.
The former Road Rules star was a winner in a previous season of MTV’s show, but when it comes to Challenge events involving heights, she’s clearly not a fan.
In a recent series of messages, she revealed to fans there’s only one way she’ll ever consider returning for The Challenge again and also threw a few playful jabs at her All Stars 2 castmate following his elimination.
This report contains spoilers through The Challenge: All Stars, Episode 5 on Paramount Plus.
Katie shares ‘only way’ she’d return for The Challenge
In the first season of The Challenge: All Stars, Katie was involved in several daily challenge events which involved the competitors up above the water. More than a few involved falls to that water below.
Katie opted to simply jump off the platform in one event rather than attempting the challenge out of fear of getting knocked down. That came after an event earlier in the season where she’d fallen into the water and suffered a bloody nose.
In a later episode’s event, she stood on a platform, knowing it would give out from under her at some point. She waited for that moment rather than attempting to solve the puzzle in front of her. To her, bracing herself for the scary fall was the most important task at hand.
Cue up All Stars 2 for Katie’s second season of the spinoff and another heights-based challenge. In Episode 4’s daily challenge, it was another edition of TJ Lavin’s trivia, with competitors standing on a platform on the side of a building 20 stories up.
As teased in the trailer (above) weeks ago, Katie began freaking out despite having a harness on her for safety. In the episode, she got disqualified after refusing to participate, which meant she automatically went into the elimination event later.
A fan tweeted out a comment tagging Katie which mentioned a Bloodlines-themed Challenge season. They wondered if Katie might have a sibling who isn’t afraid of heights who could compete with her.
Katie let them know her brother’s “military and not afraid of anything,” including jumping out of helicopters. Katie added, “I’m the only chicken s**t.”

In a follow-up to that tweet, Katie went on to share the only way she’d consider appearing on another season of the show. That would involve having her fearless husband as her teammate.
“My husband keeps saying ‘what he can do.’ He’s a Marine. Let me suck with this dude behind me. If I could choose my partner, my husband 100%. Only way I’d come back. #TheChallengeAllStars 2 #whatsupwoodford @FollowCooltucky” she tweeted.

Katie may be onto something with her tweet, as MTV has previously done a Battle of the Bloodlines season and a Battle of the Exes season. Perhaps a couples-themed season of the All Stars spinoff could happen in the future?
In another tweet replying to a fan saying she “quit everytime,” Katie said that wasn’t true, and she attempted to face her fear but “got hurt…a few times.”
“Is it time for me to stop doing the shows bc heights are inevitable? Yea, I think that’s obvious,” she replied.

Katie throws jabs at castmate after All Stars 2 exit
Katie’s exit from All Stars 2 came in Episode 4. After she was DQ’d in that heights challenge, she’d end up facing Ayanna Mackins in the elimination event later. Ayanna picked up her second victory of the season in a fiery version of Tic Tac Toe.
Ahead of that, Katie’s former Road Rules castmate, Steve Meinke, was among the daily challenge winners, along with Casey Cooper. That meant they selected four castmates as nominees for elimination. Katie took exception to Steve not making sure the nominees included someone she’d have a good chance at defeating.
The episode included a brief scene where Katie yelled at Steve, telling him to use his head when making that game move.
Ultimately, Katie’s karma returned to get Steve in Episode 5, as he ended up performing the worst in the daily challenge. He’d go on to lose in an elimination to Teck “Money” Holmes, ending Steve’s time on All Stars 2.
In a tweet after the episode arrived on Thursday, Katie told Steve that he thought his athleticism would carry him, but “having friends means a lot” when it comes to them playing The Challenge at older ages.

In Episode 5, Steve showed his hand to several castmates who thought he was working with their alliance. Nehemiah Clark, Laterrian Wallace, and Teck Holmes felt betrayed when Steve said he’d rather go against Teck in the elimination later because he had the better chance to defeat him.
That didn’t work out for Steve as they competed in SwitchBack, an event that involved speed and sprinting a lot. Eventually, Teck was able to capture the win after Steve made a mistake, sending Steve home.
Katie still showed love for her former Road Rules castmate, saying her husband advised her to stop razzing Steve, but she doesn’t like to listen.

The Challenge: All Stars 2 episodes arrive Thursdays on Paramount Plus.
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