
Darcey Silva shares healed photo of her latest cosmetic enhancements

Darcey Silva
Darcey Silva showed off her most recent cosmetic surgery on social media. Pic credit: TLC

90 Day Fiance and Darcey & Stacey fans have become accustomed to learning that Darcey Silva had more plastic surgery and Darcey upheld that notion by posting about recent work she had done.

Darcey shared a healed photo of a lip blushing procedure she had recently as well as work she had done to her eyebrows. Both treatments are considered to be tattoos.

The technician that did Darcey’s cosmetic tattoos also revealed on their Instagram page that Darcey’s twin sister Stacey Silva had the same things done.

Darcey Silva shared healed photo of latest cosmetic procedures with Darcey & Stacey fans

Darcey used her Instagram to reshare a post from the technician who did her lip blushing and eyebrow procedures.

The post showed a close-up image of Darcey with a filter over it with the caption, “Lip Blush & Brows ALL HEALED & looking beautiful on @darceysilva.”

Darcey Silva's Instagram story
Pic credit: @darceysilva/Instagram

The original post made by the technician on Instagram revealed that Stacey Silva also had the same procedures. The second photo in the post was the one that Darcey reshared on her page.

Darcey and Stacey Silva said on Darcey & Stacey that they were done with plastic surgery for a while

One of the Silva twins’ main storylines on Season 2 of Darcey & Stacey was their international plastic surgery journey where they traveled to Turkey and underwent a ton of procedures.

Darcey and Stacey had 360 lipo, Barbie noses, lip lifts, breast augmentations, and veneers that they talked about on the show, but it was revealed by the plastic surgery clinic that they also had fox eyes and cheek lifts.

Once they arrived back in America they both said they were done having procedures for a while but that was apparently short-lived. Darcey and Stacey’s father and Darcey’s daughters said they are still getting used to the changes and did not offer any positive feedback.

The twins are notorious for keeping up with their botox regimen so it’s probable that they’ve kept that up on top of these latest two cosmetic enhancements.

This Season of Darcey & Stacey has focused on the twins’ trying to heal from all the surgery they had in Turkey. While there has been no mention in the season yet of whether they will get more, viewers should stay tuned because the Silva twins are unpredictable.

Darcey & Stacey airs Mondays at 8/7c on TLC and Discovery+.

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Mira Hace
Mira Hace
3 years ago

when will the twins go for brain surgery to become normal people?

3 years ago

Oh my God! … I’m so over these two! I’ve watched a few episodes of their show ( 8 thought I’d give it a go) but I can’t watch one single more episode!
They look absolutely ridiculous! I wonder how their kids really feel about their mothers desperate attempts to TRY and look younger!
Is this a pathetic attempt at trying to look younger than their daughters? Can they (Darcey and Stacey)not handle the fact that their daughters are growing in to beautiful young women who will obviously be attracting a lot of attention for their ‘natural beauty ‘ and Darcey will STILL be ‘ugly crying’
for her ‘true love’ for her ‘journey’ so she can ‘shine’ for God’s sake Darcey get a new vocabulary, grow up , act your age and realize you’re not a teenager anymore and your ridiculous attempts at trying for ‘artificial youth’ are plain outright embarrassing!