Big Brother Veto spoilers just came out on the live feeds after the house took part in the first Veto Ceremony of the summer. We now know the two houseguests who will be on the block at the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.
As seen on the latest episode of Big Brother, Head of Household Frenchie nominated Alyssa Lopez and Kyland Young for eviction. The trio would then get a chance to play for the POV over the weekend.
The three additional players that joined Frenchie, Alyssa, and Kyland in the Veto Competition were Derek Xiao, Travis Long, and Tiffany Mitchell. All six players went for the POV on Saturday, leading to some new drama getting displayed on the live feeds.
Derek Xiao won the Power of Veto. This meant that he was safe from going on the block and also that he could save one of the nominees. He had a difficult choice to make and he was getting suggestions from all angles in the house about using or not using the POV.
Did Derek use the Power of Veto?
Early on Monday, the BB23 cast took part in its first Veto Ceremony of the season. Derek got to host it since he won the Power of Veto and he then had to announce if he was going to use that power.
When the Big Brother live feeds came back on following the Veto Ceremony, Kyland was seen wearing the Veto Necklace around his neck. That made it pretty clear that Derek saved Kyland from the block, exactly as he had promised to do over the weekend.
This meant that Frenchie would have to name a replacement nominee to go up on the block next to Alyssa. He went with Travis Long as the new nominee.
When the first Eviction Ceremony of the summer arrives on July 15, the houseguests will vote to evict either Alyssa Lopez or Travis Long.
Some drama from the Big Brother live feeds
There have been a lot of substories coming from the Big Brother live feeds in regard to game talk from the 16 members of the BB23 cast. That included one houseguest reportedly saying she didn’t believe the Sandy Hook shooting took place and another saying there were only six chips in the BB23 Veto player draw.
This is going to be a very interesting summer of Big Brother, so make sure not to miss a single episode on the CBS TV schedule.
Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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