
Big Brother recap: New players and shocking twists

Reilly Big Brother
Reilly Smedley is part of the Summer 2023 Big Brother cast. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Big Brother returned with the first episode from Season 25.

The first three minutes of Episode 1 were spent recapping the first 24 seasons.

Many clips from the past were showcased, including the biggest fights, showmances, and wins.

Julie Chen Moonves welcomed fans from the Big Brother stage and teased what’s to come this season.

After hinting at the secret 17th Big Brother houseguest entering the game, it was time to meet the houseguests.

The first group featured a houseguest with a famous mom. The mom of Jared Fields is Survivor legend Cirie Fields.

New players enter the Big Brother house

Matt Klotz, Jared Fields, Mecole Hayes, Reilly Smedley, Red Utley, Izzy Gleicher, Blue Kim, and Jag Bains were introduced first.

Luke Valentine, Felicia Cannon, Hisam Goueli, Cory Wurtenberger, Bowie Jane, Cameron Hardin, America Lopez, and Kirsten Elwin were introduced next.

All 16 people were on the stage as Julie explained the Break-In Twist.

As previously revealed, three former houseguests entered the BB25 house and messed things up. Danielle Reyes (BB3 and BB7), Britney Haynes (BB12 and BB14), and Frankie Grande (BB16) filmed a segment that was shown to the BB25 cast.

Julie broke down how the house split into four. She called it a “multiverse” twist that will impact the season.

Below are the four different universes:

  • BB Comic-verse
  • Humili-verse
  • Scary-verse
  • Scramble-verse

Entering the Big Brother house

Everyone was sent into the house in groups of four. They got to look around before heading to the backyard. In the backyard, they each had to choose one competition. One challenge was tied to each of the four themes in the house.

One person from each group was assigned to each challenge.

Felicia, Red, America, and Matt entered first and chose spots on pink mats.

Cory, Blue, Jared, and Izzy entered second and chose spots on green mats.

Kirsten, Luke, Bowie Jane, and Jag entered third and chose spots on yellow mats.

Hisam, Mecole, Cameron, and Reilly entered fourth and chose spots on blue mats.

Big Brother challenges begin?

Julie revealed that the loser of each backyard competition would become a nominee. It meant four nominees would be named before a Head of Household got crowned.

America, Jared, Bowie Jane, and Mecole competed in the Scramble-verse Challenge. They had to disassemble a puzzle and put it away.

America was safe first, followed by Bowie Jane and Mecole. Jared became the first nominee of the night.

Matt, Blue, Kirsten, and Hisam competed in the Humili-verse Challenge. They had to use a contraption to kick themselves in the butt 100 times.

Matt finished first, followed by Hisam and Blue. Kirsten became the second nominee of the night.

Felicia, Izzy, Jag, and Cameron competed in the Comic-verse Challenge. They had to arm a “goo bomb” and set it off to succeed.

Jag finished first, followed by Izzy and Cameron. Felicia became the third nominee of the night.

Reilly, Red, Cory, and Luke competed in the Scary-verse Challenge. They had to hold on as a rope was trying to drag them away. The first person to get dragged off would lose. Julie warned them that the person who lost would disappear from the game for an unknown length of time.

Cory lost and became the fourth nominee after an intense challenge.

Nominee summary

The nominees for eviction are Jared, Kirsten, Felicia, and Cory.

After Cory was dragged away, Julie told the remaining 15 houseguests to be prepared for anything in the multiverse.

When the players entered the house, they found Survivor legend Cirie Fields pouring champagne. Cirie has become the 17th houseguest of the summer. Julie said more to come on that topic will be revealed in the next episode.

The next episode of Big Brother 25 is at 8/7c on Sunday, August 6.

Here is a breakdown of the BB25 TV schedule.

There is also a new free version of the BB25 live feeds that get turned on Monday night.

Big Brother airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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