
Big Brother 25 Pressure Cooker results: Who becomes the new HOH?

Matt Klotz On BB25
Matt Klotz is a member of the Big Brother 25 cast. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 25 has a big night on August 24.

The evening began with a new episode at 9/8c on CBS.

An Eviction Ceremony took place, but host Julie Chen Moonves did hint at a twist coming.

The remaining houseguests began playing in a new Head of Household Competition at the end of the episode.

Julie said goodbye as the challenge began, but here is how you can watch it live.

For fans who want to know the results, below will be a play-by-play of what takes place.

Important Endurance Challenge on Big Brother 25

With several alliances fractured, winning the August 24 HOH Challenge is vital.

The producers brought back a challenge that was on Big Brother 6. It could add an extra layer of excitement.

The challenge is called the Pressure Cooker. It could require much endurance from the players — unless the rules are changed to end it quickly.

During BB6, the challenge lasted almost 15 hours. Several houseguests knew how important it was to win power.

Here is a breakdown of the Pressure Cooker and how it works.

Who wins the Pressure Cooker on Big Brother 25?

This is where spoilers will be revealed on the evening of Thursday, August 24.

Julie got things started by revealing that no sitting was allowed. And there are no bathroom breaks. The task was to keep their hands on a buzzer.

And then the lights went out.

As each person gets eliminated, they have to select a mystery card.

Shortly after the episode ended, the live feeds crashed on Paramount+.

Update at 7:09 p.m. PT / 10:09 p.m. ET: The feeds were still down.

Twenty minutes after the episode ended, the feeds were still down. Possibly to explain the rules to the houseguests again?

Update at 7:21 p.m. PT / 10:21 p.m. ET: The challenge began, and everyone seemed confident.

Update at 7:42 p.m. PT / 10:42 p.m. ET: The houseguests have begun whistling and telling jokes. They all seem dedicated to sticking this one out.

Update at 7:58 p.m. PT / 10:58 p.m. ET: Some houseguests started getting restless. It led to some awkward chats. Felicia made herself some food.

Update at 8:11 p.m. PT / 11:11 p.m. ET: The feeds are on. Everyone is still in the challenge. Felicia is watching from the living room. No punishments have been handed out.

Noises could be heard around them, and since it was still pitch black, some people began to get nervous.

Update at 8:30 p.m. PT / 11:30 p.m. ET: The feeds have been down for a few minutes. Fans aren’t going to like this.

The feeds returned to Jared Fields and Cirie Fields being out.

That left Red Utley, Izzy Gleicher, America Lopez, Bowie Jane, Jag Bains, Cameron Hardin, Blue Kim, Cory Wurtenberger, Matt Klotz, and Mecole Hayes playing for HOH.

Update at 8:46 p.m. PT / 11:46 p.m. ET: Felicia keeps falling asleep on the couch. Ten people are still playing in the challenge. Snakes are now at the center.

Cirie has started talking about peeing in a bucket or the corner.

Update at 8:57 p.m. PT / 11:57 p.m. ET: Ten people remain. The lights are on. Snakes are visible.

Update at 9:11 p.m. PT / 12:11 a.m. ET: Red, Izzy, America, Bowie Jane, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole fight on.

Felicia is getting frustrated that the challenge is taking so long. She even called it boring.

Update at 9:25 p.m. PT / 12:25 a.m. ET: Red, Izzy, America, Bowie Jane, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole have made it about two and a half hours.

Update at 9:42 p.m. PT / 12:42 a.m. ET: Lights are on for the challenge, and people started looking tired.

Felicia continues to nap on the couch.

Update at 10:00 p.m. PT / 1:00 a.m. ET: The BB25 cast has played Pressure Cooker for nearly three hours. Only Cirie and Jared are out.

Update at 10:30 p.m. PT / 1:30 a.m. ET: Red, Izzy, America, Bowie Jane, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole remain.

Cameron asked everyone to name their favorite water brand – possibly hoping to get people to need to use the restroom.

Update at 11:00 p.m. PT / 2:00 a.m. ET: The final ten remain.

Izzy was dancing to stay awake and lifted her hand for a split second. Izzy finished in ninth place.

After Izzy was eliminated, she got to leave the challenge area with Cirie and Jared. They returned to the house to hang out with Felicia and watch the challenge on the living room screen.

Update at 11:11 p.m. PT / 2:11 a.m. ET: The final nine players were introduced to non-stop metal music and strobe lights. It began after Izzy got eliminated.

Update at 11:31 p.m. PT / 2:31 a.m. ET: Red, America, Bowie Jane, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole remain.

Update at 12:03 a.m. PT / 3:03 a.m. ET: The five-hour mark hit on the challenge. And metal music returned.

Update at 1:03 a.m. PT / 4:03 a.m. ET: Red, America, Bowie Jane, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole were still in the game after six hours.

Many jokes about peeing in the corner have been made by the houseguests remaining in the challenge.

Update at 1:43 a.m. PT / 4:43 a.m. ET: The fine nine remain.

Update at 2:06 a.m. PT / 5:06 a.m. ET: The nine people survived, but Matt peed on the floor. More strobe lights and metal music followed.

Felicia complained from inside because the producers wouldn’t dim the house lights. This was shortly after 2 a.m. house time.

Update at 2:32 a.m. PT / 5:32 a.m. ET: The final nine continue to hang on while Felicia, Cirie, and Izzy continue making fun of them. Jared has gone to bed after being berated by his mom about how he is playing Big Brother.

Update at 2:50 a.m. PT / 5:50 a.m. ET: Red, America, Bowie Jane, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole are still in it. Everyone looks tired. They are about to hit eight hours.

Update at 3:03 a.m. PT / 6:03 a.m. ET: As nine people sailed past the eight-hour mark in the HOH Competition, Felicia, Izzy, and Cirie began falling asleep on the couches inside the house.

Update at 3:35 a.m. PT / 6:35 a.m. ET: After about eight and a half hours of playing, Bowie Jane was eliminated from the HOH Competition.

The feeds went down with only Red, America, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole left in the challenge.

Update at 3:50 a.m. PT / 6:50 a.m. ET: Eight people continue to play. Bowie must wait at the challenge until two more people drop out. Then she can go back to the house.

Update at 4:03 a.m. PT / 7:03 a.m. ET: Red, America, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, Matt, and Mecole continued to hold on. And the three ladies back in the house continued to complain (when they weren’t snoring).

Update at 4:43 a.m. PT / 7:43 a.m. ET: The challenge rolls on. Eight people are still in it. Bowie Jane was doing exercises in the corner.

Update at 4:44 a.m. PT / 7:44 a.m. ET: Matt Klotz was eliminated. Matt became the fifth person out.

Red, America, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, and Mecole became the final seven.

Update at 5:01 a.m. PT / 8:01 a.m. ET: Seven players lasted 10 hours in the challenge (so far).

Felicia gave up on hanging out in the living room and took a snack to bed.

Update at 5:13 a.m. PT / 8:13 a.m. ET: Red, America, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, and Mecole kept holding on. Matt and Bowie Jane looked miserable sitting in the corner. They needed a third person to drop before they could leave the challenge.

Update at 5:14 a.m. PT / 8:14 a.m. ET: Red Utley became the sixth person out. This allowed Red, Matt, and Bowie Jane to retreat to the house.

The only people left were America, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, and Mecole.

Update at 6:01 a.m. PT / 9:01 a.m. ET: After 11 hours of playing, six people are still holding on.

Update at 6:41 a.m. PT / 9:41 a.m. ET: As the 12-hour mark approaches, six people are still fighting for HOH (America, Jag, Cameron, Blue, Cory, and Mecole).

Update at 7:18 a.m. PT / 10:18 a.m. ET: Cory Wurtenberger was eliminated. Cory was the seventh person out.

Update at 7:40 a.m. PT / 10:40 a.m. ET: America, Jag, Cameron, Blue, and Mecole are closing on the 13-hour mark.

Update at 7:50 a.m. PT / 10:50 a.m. ET: Blue Kim was eliminated eighth.

Only America, Jag, Cameron, and Mecole were left.

When the feeds returned after Blue’s exit, it was revealed that Jag Bains was out next. Jag was the ninth person eliminated.

Update at 8:01 a.m. PT / 11:01 a.m. ET: Three people made it to the 13-hour mark. They were America, Cameron, and Mecole.

Update at 8:37 a.m. PT / 11:37 a.m. ET: Mecole Hayes was out tenth.

America and Cameron were the last two standing.

Update at 8:56 a.m. PT / 11:56 a.m. ET: America took her hands off the button, and Cameron Hardin won the Pressure Cooker.

It’s probably good that Felicia cemented a final two alliance ahead of this.

More news from Big Brother 25

Jared Fields hinted to Blue Kim about a Big Brother secret he is keeping. It’s a dangerous game he is playing that could also hurt his mom (Cirie Fields).

It was also revealed that Jared is friends with a Big Brother alum. He even got advice from the BB23 cast member before playing BB25.

And for viewers who haven’t seen it, Luke Valentine blamed sleepiness for his use of the N-word on the live feeds.

Felicia also revealed some problems with her husband. She talked with Izzy Goueli on the live feeds about her husband doing something ahead of her appearance on Big Brother.

No matter how the challenge turns out on August 24, it will be featured during the August 27 episode.

Past episodes of Big Brother 25 are also available for streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 25 airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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