
Luke Valentine gives an in-depth interview after Big Brother, blames twin for using the N-word in the house

Luke BB25
Former player Luke Valentine started out as part of the Big Brother Summer 2023 cast. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Former Big Brother houseguest, Luke Valentine, gave a lengthy interview following his time in the game.

Early in the chat, Luke blamed his fake twin, Duke, for getting them both kicked out of the house.

“I don’t even know what word he used. I never used that word in my life. I don’t even know what it was,” Luke joked with his interviewers.

An internet rumor had some Big Brother fans believing that Luke had a twin named Duke and that they were switching out. That was how the Nolan twins did things on Big Brother 17.

But Luke was in the game by himself. And after he was seen saying the N-word on the live feeds, Luke got expelled by the Big Brother producers.

Luke also returned to social media this past weekend, where he thanked the fans who have supported him.

An interview with Luke Valentine

The interviewers got Luke on their side very early in the chat when one of them said he was fuming with rage that people were upset about Luke using the N-word.

Luke got right to it, saying he wasn’t mad at anyone about the situation. He noted everyone he met “were beautiful and wonderful people” along the way.

When he talked about playing the game, Luke said he got ostracized by people in the house. And getting “the cold shoulder” was about to lead him to put on a great show before he was expelled.

Regarding his creation of the Phalanx Five Alliance, Luke called it a “stupid joke” and something Kirsten Elwin used against him.

Luke also said that he wasn’t expecting to get removed from the game after he said the N-word in a chat with Jared Fields, Hisam Goueli, and Cory Wurtenberger. He referenced the room being full of laughter as they went to bed in the Have-Not Room and that he slept soundly.

Luke also talked in-depth about how the producers told him that his Big Brother ride was over, and he believes the fans were robbed of seeing him do some great things this summer.

And in an interesting admission from the former BB25 houseguest, he said he doesn’t hold his removal against the producers.

Luke also said that he loved everyone in the house.

The full interview of Luke Valentine is below, and it features much more of him discussing his time on Big Brother 25.

More news from Big Brother 25

Many Big Brother alums predicted a BB25 winner this season, presenting some interesting thoughts about this summer.

Updated rankings on the least-liked BB25 houseguests have come out, and there has been a shift since Week 1.

And for fans who want to jump ahead, here are the Week 2 veto results and spoilers.

Past episodes of BB25 are available for streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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8 months ago

Hisam did make enemies. If he leaves this week, it will help the handful alliance in the long run. Hope Felecia make the right decision, for her game and her alliance.