
Big Brother alums predict the BB25 winner

Ovi Kabir from Big Brother
Ovi Kabir was a fun houseguest on Big Brother 21. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

Ovi Kabir from Big Brother 21 put together a video of predictions for the BB25 cast.

He had former players weigh in on who they felt would win the Summer 2023 season.

Ovi played in the Summer 2019 season, where he was the second person voted out.

Even though he didn’t make it to the end, Ovi has emerged as a very well-liked Big Brother alum.

Following his time in the Big Brother house, Ovi has become very prominent on social media.

Ovi is very active on Twitter and frequently shares images of his adventures on Instagram.

Who will win Big Brother 25?

Below are predictions from Big Brother alums about who will win the $750,000 prize this summer.

Hannah Chaddha from Big Brother 23 picked Jag Bains.

Angela Rockstar from Big Brother 20 went with Red Utley. She thinks he looks like “Festival Family” this season.

Cliff Hogg from Big Brother 21 is cheering for Felicia Cannon as an older person on the cast, but his winner pick is Jag.

Derek Xiao from Big Brother 23 is going with Matt Klotz.

Tommy Bracco from Big Brother 21 picked America Lopez as his winner, saying he got a good feeling from her interview.

Rachel Swindler from Big Brother 20 went against the grain. She predicted that Britney Haynes would become the 18th houseguest and win BB25. Her second choice is Matt.

Jessica Milagros from Big Brother 21 says that she is Team America.

David Alexander from BB21 and BB22 predicted Kirsten Elwin as the winner. But as fans already know, Kirsten was sent home at the first Eviction Ceremony.

Kat Dunn from Big Brother 21 also went with Jag as her winner.

Recently married Christie Murphy from BB21 went with Jared Fields. Christie says that Jared was the first person from the BB25 cast to make her smile.

Big Brother 6 alum Beau Beasley couldn’t pick just one. He says it is a toss-up between Blue Kim and Hisam Goueli, but he ultimately settled on the “older gay man” (Hisam).

Claire Rehfuss from Big Brother 23 picked Cirie Fields as her winner. Ovi clarified that Claire made the pick before Cirie was announced as a cast member. That’s impressive.

Below is the video of predictions, done in a fun fashion by Ovi Kabir.

More news from Big Brother 25

After getting expelled from the show, Luke Valentine returned to social media recently.

And drama surfaced on the Big Brother live feeds after the Week 2 Veto Meeting.

Upcoming episodes could have memorable quotes from the BB25 cast based on what has been happening.

Past episodes of Big Brother 25 are available on Paramount+. And a free option to watch the BB25 live feeds is also available.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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