Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 has been on fans’ minds lately with questions about if the Below Deck spin-off is returning for another season.
Captain Glenn Shephard helmed the show and it was slow to gain Below Deck fans’ attention. Season 1 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht was not entertaining primarily due to viewers’ dislike of chef Adam Glick and former chief stew Jenna MacGillivray.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 revamped the show with a more intriguing cast, filled with drama, love triangles, fights, and over-the-top guests. It gained much more traction than the first season, which is why Below Deck fans are asking about Season 3 of the hit sailing show.
Will there be a Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3?
Bravo has yet to share any news regarding another season of the Below Deck spin-off. However, eagle-eyed fans discovered Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 filming last summer in Menorca, Spain.
It’s no surprise that Bravo remains silent on the subject. The network never reveals if a Below Deck installment has been renewed.
Instead, Below Deck viewers either learn about a new season via social media or when Bravo drops a new trailer. Over the past couple of years, Bravo has aired new episodes of one of the Below Deck shows every Monday night throughout the year.
What do we know about Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3?
Captain Glenn returns, taking the reins of Parsifal III once again. The two have become a staple for the sailing show.
Chef stew Daisy Kelliher, first-mate Gary King, and chief engineer Colin MacRae were all spotted filming in Malta. Gary has spent a lot of time working for Captain Glenn since Season 2 wrapped, so his return was expected.
Colin and Daisy quickly became Below Deck Sailing Yacht fan favorites. The fact they are both doing the show again is exciting news.
As for when Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 will hit the airwaves, that’s a little more complicated. In the past, the spin-off aired after the OG Below Deck, making the premiere in February or March.
However, Below Deck Adventure is slated to premiere on Bravo in early 2022. The newest Below Deck spin-off could push Below Deck Sailing Yacht to the summer.
Bravo will likely want to use Below Deck Season 9 viewership as a lead-in for Below Deck Adventure, which could alter Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 premiere. If the network decides to air one of the Below Deck shows on a different night, then the sailing spin-off would still air in the spring.
So, to recap. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 has been filmed. The premiere date remains up in the air, though.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht is currently on hiatus on Bravo.