90 Day Fiance star Kara Leona got a surprise visit from her ex-boyfriend, Kris, at their high school reunion.
After Kris’s debut on 90 Day Fiance, fans wondered who he was.
Who is Kara Leona’s ex-boyfriend, Kris?
In the most recent episode of 90 Day Fiance, Kara and Guillermo were attending Kara’s high school reunion, and Kara happened to run into her ex-boyfriend Kris Wayne.
Kris happened to strike up a conversation with Kara and Guillermo, and here is what we know about him.
Kris was Kara’s high school sweetheart.
Kris and Kara were inseparable. The two made many memories over the years and were very active in their high school activities.
The former couple had won many awards, such as homecoming king and queen.
Kris was brief about his and Kara’s past, but he wanted to ensure that he made Kara very aware of his newly found rap career. He wanted her to know that he had done something with his life after their rough breakup.
Kris can be found promoting samples of his music on both Instagram and TikTok.
Although Kris is serious about his rap career, he also likes to have fun and show off his dance moves.
Kris revealed shocking information about Kara’s past to Guillermo that may have been detrimental to the couple’s future with one another
While Kris was engaging in conversation with Guillermo and Kara, he let Guillermo know that they broke up because Kara cheated on him while he was away at school.
After the conversation with Kris had diminished, Kara and Guillermo had some time to talk about what was just uncovered about Kara’s character traits.
Guillermo asked Kara if she thought that she had changed, and she admitted that she had made strides to change and that the instance happened ten years ago, so she has thus gone through many changes and has matured quite a bit.
Kara asked Guillermo if there were any other things that Kris said that stood out to him aside from the cheating, and Guillermo was concerned about her controlling nature.
Guillermo said, “I don’t know if you really know, you like to control people, and you like to control minds.”
Kris popping in and sharing a bit of insight about his and Kara’s past may have done more damage to her and Guillermo’s already rocky relationship, but viewers will have to tune in to next week’s episode to see how it all unfolds.
90 Day Fiance airs Sundays on TLC at 8/7c.
He’s a never heard of “rapper wannabe.” The little tidbit of information about Kara, confirmed yet another reason I can’t stand her. She’s a controlling jerk, and an embarrassment to American women EVERYWHERE, and now a cheater , who thinks it’s funny. SMH Guillermo, please go home before you’re stuck with this horrible excuse for a woman!
This was so absurd. It was obviously NOT a real reunion, but a staged scene. Really, really stupid.
Kara is a child I hope that young man goes home and finds a more mature young woman.