Orthodox Jewish preteen Naomi Kutin breaking world powerlifting record on Independent Lens

Naomi Kutin powerlifter in action
Naomi Kutin has broken powerlifting records for her age and weight, but can she remain competitive as she gets older?

This week Independent Lens focusses on the extraordinary Orthodox Jewish girl Naomi Kutin, who has smashed world powerlifting records for her age.

New Jersey native Kutin became a media sensation when at age ten she managed to lift 215 pounds, despite weighing just 97 pounds herself. Nicknamed ‘Supergirl’, Kutin

This documentary follows Kutin over three years from age 11 through to her her Bat Mitzvah at 12 and the struggles of puberty as she hits 14. With a strict religious upbringing, health issues and even cyber bullying, Kutin has a lot on her plate and a title to defend.

Kutin came to the unlikely sport of powerlifting through her father, who is well known in the sport’s circles. Her brother Ari is also keen and so the whole thing is somewhat of a family event and her mother is also supportive of her endeavours.

However, as she gets older the record breaker struggles to stay in her weight class and also struggles to break more records. The pressure of being ‘Supergirl’ has also given Kutin an inner strength to match her physical power.

Independent Lens airs on Mondays at 10:00 PM on PBS.

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