Fans continue to ask how old Jackson is on Big Brother 21. The server from Nashville, Tennessee now calls Los Angeles, California home. Well, he will again after he leaves his current residence on the production lot.
Jackson Michie described himself as driven, assertive, and confident when he gave his preshow interviews. Within the BB21 house, he has definitely shown all of those adjectives to be true descriptions of his personality.
With Jack Matthews as another member of the BB21 cast, Jackson has been going by Michie for most of the summer. It’s a point that producers of the show tried to hammer home over the first month of episodes.
Do you think their alliance will last? #BB21 pic.twitter.com/4bgwpxz4Xh
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 3, 2019
How old is Jackson on Big Brother 21?
When Jackson entered the house this summer, he was 24 years old. It has become noteworthy that he is a bit younger than his showmance partner, Holly Allen.
Holly entered the game at 31 years old, and coming to the show, she had worked as a wine safari guide in Los Angeles. Prior to that, she called Lander, Wyoming her home. But being in L.A. means she is close to Jackson.
Setting the age differences aside, it certainly seems possible that Jackson and Holly could continue this showmance outside of the house. But can it survive the recent fights that they have had inside the house?
There are just five people left in the game at the publishing of this article, but we do know who won the latest Head of Household Competition and who they nominated for eviction.
It sets up an interesting battle for the Power of Veto and forecasts who might be able to survive all the way to the Big Brother 21 season finale on September 25.
Can Jackson Michie win the $500,000 prize this summer? Or will he have to deal with a bitter jury?
Big Brother airs new episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
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