Big Brother spoilers just revealed the HOH nominations on the CBS live feeds. This sets the stage for the POV this week, and ultimately, that challenge could predict who wins Big Brother 2019.
For readers who don’t already know, the new Head of Household took power late Thursday evening. Nicole Anthony won the challenge, guaranteeing her a spot in the final three this summer. Her win did come with controversy.
As the new HOH, Nicole had to nominate two people for eviction. The Nomination Ceremony took place on Friday evening, which was delayed due to a Luxury Competition from earlier in the day.
The results of this Nomination Ceremony might not be too surprising to anyone paying attention this season.
Kittycam 5.03pm for final nominations of the season – it doesn't even matter who she puts up but it'll be Jackson and Holly obviously pic.twitter.com/zrxFqAS1T1
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) September 14, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: Who was nominated for eviction?
Nicole Anthony nominated Holly Allen and Jackson Michie for eviction. The way it currently stands, Cliff Hogg is the only person who has a vote this week. If nothing changes, he will evict either Holly or Jackson on Thursday night.
Everyone will play for the Power of Veto this week. Controlling the necklace will dictate who ends up on the block and likely serve as a definite prediction on who is getting sent to the BB21 jury.
Jackson was working hard to create several scenarios where he could make the final three. He told Cliff that he wanted to go to the final three with him and Nicole. Jackson also promised Holly that he was evicting Cliff as soon as he could.
Nap time #BB21 pic.twitter.com/uNmFx3hg1L
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) September 14, 2019
The Veto Competition will take place on Saturday. The houseguest who wins the Big Brother POV will decide who ends up on the block for the next Eviction Ceremony. This is going to be the last Veto Competition of the summer, so it underscores just how important it will be for the final four houseguests.
Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
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