Ice Road Truckers: Watch as rivals team up to face treacherous crossing

On Ice Road Truckers this week, rival firms team up to form a convoy over an extremely treacherous crossing — but they aren’t prepared for what’s coming next. It’s not long before the ice melts and the road they need to use has been closed by the authorities. But now they’ve agreed to open it just

Ice Road Truckers: Chaos as drivers struggle in race against time

On tonight’s Ice Road Truckers, it’s chaos on the roads as the drivers race against time to deliver their goods before the ice melts. Darrell Ward — who was laid to rest at the weekend following the tragic plane crash which took his life last month — features in the episode, driving across a trail dubbed “the

Ice Road Truckers hits The Death Road and Steph gets a crash course

On Ice Road Truckers tonight – Darrell and Lisa hit The Death Road and rookie Steph gets a crash course from Todd. Todd helps out newbie Steph as she prepares for her first big challenge. He’s clearly worried saying: “She’s a rookie with zero experience, a recipe for nothing but disaster.” At one point she

Ice Road Truckers Lisa Kelly stranded hundreds of miles from nearest town

On tonight’s Ice Road Truckers, Lisa Kelly is under huge pressure after getting stranded when her truck breaks down hundreds of miles from the nearest town. Footage shows Lisa trying to get her truck to start in the back of beyond and starting to panic. The drivers are all under immense pressure this season to deliver loads

Ice Road Truckers’ Alex Debogorski on how God helps him face perils of job

On tonight’s episode of Ice Road Truckers, legendary driver Alex Debogorski is back and faces a perilous crossing as he tries out a new route across untested ice. A devout Catholic, Alex is well known for his faith and has had “The Preacher Man” plastered on the side of his truck since Season 9 of the

Ice Road Truckers returns with Season 10 and it’s the most perilous ever

Ice Road Truckers is back on our screens tonight — for the most dangerous season yet. Following the effects of the weather phenomenon known as El Niño, temperatures over the winter are some of the warmest on record meaning the ice is thin and the roads perilous. As a result the authorities are opening the roads later