Kanye West took to his Instagram in the early hours of the morning as he hurled an offensive racial slur at comedian and television host, Trevor Noah.
This insult came early the morning after a monologue about the 44-year-old rapper/producer/fashion designer and his ensuing drama with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and her new boyfriend, SNL star, Pete Davidson was aired out on The Daily Show last night.
The television segment aired days after a series of personal texts between Pete Davidson and Kanye West were leaked.
The clip from The Daily Show was just under ten minutes, but Trevor Noah took that time on his public platform to draw attention to how the situation seems to be unraveling quickly and possibly dangerously.
The late-night host was imploring his viewers to take a closer look at the more insidious butterfly effects that can possibly come from this level of harassment between Kanye and his ex-wife.
Kanye West took aim at Trevor Noah after he spoke about the rapper on The Daily Show
Trevor still explained how it was alarming to see that “One of the most powerful women in the world” was not able to get free from her ex.
The vote of confidence that Kanye was likely not a bad guy may have come a bit premature as Kanye then fired a racial slur at Trevor Noah via Instagram in the early morning hours.
In his call to action to the public, Trevor Noah made the chilling observation that “Women are questioned for what happens to them, as opposed to people questioning what is happening to them,” linking the slippery slope that is this Kanye vs. Kim and Pete battle.
The drama has been playing out on the world’s social media stage for weeks, and is a magnifying glass over the very real life-threatening chances of an easily excitable ex, with admitted mental health challenges, chasing after their ex-partner, who has expressed that they wish to be left alone.

It turns out that domestic violence hits very close to home for Trevor Noah, which is why he felt compelled to speak out about what has been happening between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for months now.
Trevor was candid in his book, Born A Crime, about how his mother was a victim of extreme domestic violence by his step-father, being shot with a gun in the face and in her back. He touched on that again in his emotional message seen in the video below.
The history of Kumbaya and what Kanye West said
The insult that was lobbed at Trevor Noah came in the morphed form of an old African American folksong, Kumbaya. The perceived backlash from Trevor Noah’s call for compassion for Kim was taken one step further by replacing the true words of the song with a racial slur. Replacing the original words “Kumbaya” by adding a slur to the front of the word instead.
Kumbaya can be first linked to the 1920s and was sung by the Gullah (or Geechee) people, who had kept parts of their African language and had made their own dialect altogether and is still used today. The melody and sentiment converged as a song to be sung out of oppression and the hope in singing it was to be able to overcome the circumstances under Jim Crow laws.
Then in the early 1990s political figures of all affiliations began to mock the soulful song as a sort of condemnation to weak compromise, and it swiftly became a version of a jeering joke at the absurdity of compromise.
The insulting post that was shared to Kanye West’s Instagram account has since been deleted.