
Who is the voice of Zingbot 9000 on Big Brother? Who is inside the insult robot?

Who is the voice of Zingbot 9000 on Big Brother?
Is Zingbot 9000 a man or machine on Big Brother? Pic credit: CBS

Every year, Big Brother contestants get the privilege of having a giant robot enter the house and insult them all. This is Zingbot 9000.

Here is what we know about the Zingbot 9000.

Who is the voice of Zingbot 9000?

Zingbot 3000 showed up for the first time in Big Brother 12 during a Power of Veto competition. Zingbot 3000 even attended Comic-Con in San Diego one year.

On Big Brother 17, the insult robot got an upgrade and became the Zingbot 9000. At this time, the “zings” that the robot delivered were more brutal than ever.

Many fans seemed confused at first about whether or not it was a real robot or not. The answer is simple. It is a person in a costume.

As Andy Herren said, the Zingbot is a person in a costume who doesn’t actually say anything. The voice is over a speaker in the house.

Britney Haynes even said that the person in the costume actually passed out once from the heat.

“It was freaking traumatizing. That was the season they had Zing and Baby Zing,” Haynes said. “Doors opened up in the backyard that we didn’t even know were there and this guy runs in with his medical equipment.”

There was a woman in that costume.

With that said, the production team supplies the zings over the speakers and the actual Zingbot 9000 doesn’t say anything the entire time it is in the house.

Zingbot 9000 in Big Brother 21

Zingbot 9000 returned this season and fans were spoiled to its appearance by Andy Herren’s tweet.

What were some of the best “zings?”

Well, Zingbot is brutal and went hard on Nicole Anthony. It told her she had no friends in the house, no boyfriend, and no contact with the outside world. It then zinged her by saying she must feel right at home on Big Brother.

Nicole took it all in good humor, but Twitter fans were not as forgiving.

Big Brother episodes air Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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