The most popular Big Brother 21 cast member may have been hard to predict during the season premiere of the show. It may have also been difficult to pick them out of the interviews conducted by Jeff Schroeder.
With just five people left in the BB21 house, it is getting very close to when fans will get to vote on America’s Favorite Player this summer. If the latest polls are any indication, the race has really come down to just two people.
An updated poll is available from fan site Joker’s Updates, where the site allows fans to weigh in on their favorite houseguests each season. It is a good measurement of how people perceive the casts while the season progresses.
Within the poll that Joker’s Updates runs, though, there is the opportunity to also downrate houseguests. Sometimes that happens, with fans giving zeros to people they don’t like very much.
Big Brother 21 Houseguest Ratings: #1 Nicole, #2 Cliff, #3 Sam, #4 David, #5 Ovi, #6 Tommy, #7 Kathryn, #8 Jackson, #9 Kemi, #10 Christie (Day 82 September 7th @ 5:00 am BBT) #BB21 https://t.co/NUblqJhf2Q pic.twitter.com/85EgJcF0hN
— Joker's BB Updates #BB22 (@JokersBBUpdates) September 7, 2019
America’s Favorite Player on Big Brother 21
If the latest poll is indicative of who could win the $25,000 prize for being named America’s Favorite Player this summer, then Nicole Anthony appears to be in a good position. If she were to be named the Big Brother 21 winner, then the award could fall to Cliff Hogg, who is ranked second in the polls.
As for the houseguests the poll now says have the least chance at winning the award, those spots belong to Analyse Talavera, Isabella Wang, and Nick Maccarone. Jack Matthews used to be ranked worst, but he has been able to move ahead of Analyse and Nick on certain days.
11:19 AM At the dining table, a raucous game of Backgammon continues between Jackson + Tommy with Cliff as an interested observer and Holly nearby putting on her makeup. #BB21 #BBLF pic.twitter.com/jn6nfRlixL
— Joker's BB Updates #BB22 (@JokersBBUpdates) September 7, 2019
Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros, who just had their exit interviews with host Julie Chen Moonves, remained static at No. 11 and No. 12 in the cast of 16 houseguests.
As for someone who still has an outside shot at winning the prize, yet doesn’t get mentioned much, there is Sam Smith. Even though he failed to make it to the BB21 jury house, he still receives a lot of support from the fans. Could he surprise everyone and get named AFP during the Big Brother 21 finale?
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