Days of our Lives spoilers for next week’s episodes of the NBC soap tease that the citizens of Salem are up to dirty tricks, secret ambushes, and tons of sneaky behavior. What in the world could top last week’s stunning back from the dead arrivals? Let’s find out!
The moment Ericole fans have been waiting for finally arrives, as they seal their star-crossed love affair with a passionate and steamy encounter.
At the same time, poor Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) must contend with whether or not to tell Eric (Greg Vaughan) that they are set to be parents. Coming through for her in a way that Eric never could is the least likely suspect—Xander (Paul Telfer)!
By the end of the week, Sarah comes to a significant decision about her baby, and the outcome is one you didn’t see coming!
Meanwhile, Vivian (Robin Strasser) can’t leave well enough alone and tries again to kill off her urban rival, Kate (Lauren Koslow).
For his part, Rafe (Galen Gering) wants to be a single dad to baby David. Is this even a good idea? He works 24/7 in a dangerous job — when is he going to have time to raise a kid?
David’s mom Jordan (Chrishell Hartley) comes back to town and has a say in her son’s welfare!
Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) is kidnapped, and you will not believe by who! She desperately tries to contact someone, and it remains to be seen if this person will come through for the endangered lady.
Finally, fan-fave Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) returns to Salem, and the news about his mom is not what he wanted to hear. Could it be that he must make a life or death decision regarding Kate?
Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) is front and center, as she wants to know about Sarah’s baby. Elsewhere, someone begs the sneaky minx to do the right thing, a plea which likely falls on deaf ears, unless there’s something in it for Kristen!
Days of our Lives airs weekdays on NBC.