Shark Week starts today on Discovery, and will run all week until next Sunday, July 30.
The epic summer event takes place every year and focuses on everything shark.
Events kick off this evening with Olympic swimming legend Michael Phelps taking on a shark in a race.
Then every night this week is a fin-fest of sharktacular programming, before the concluding program which sees Phelps return to our screens for an educational lesson about the sea’s most feared predators.
Here’s the full schedule for Discovery’s Shark Week 2017:
A documentary looking at a secluded beach in central California where great white sharks attack every two years.
Is it a coincidence, or is it the same shark returning for more? Experts use satellite tagging and DNA technology to find out.
The world’s most decorated Olympian goes head-t0-head with his greatest challenger yet — a great white shark. Using a monofin to increase his speed, we get to see who can swim faster.
SHARK-CROC SHOWDOWN – Sunday, July 23 at 9:10pm ET/PT
A look at Australia’s Cobourg peninsula where sharks and 14-foot crocodiles are said to fight over sea turtles.
GREAT HAMMERHEAD INVASION – Sunday, July 23 at 10:10pm ET/PT
Every year at the start of November Bimini, in the Bahamas, sees a huge influx of giant hammerhead sharks, many pregnant females. But why do they go there?
SHARK VORTEX – Monday, July 24 at 8pm ET/PT
An annual event in the waters of southern New England sees 30 different species of shark converge thanks to the gulf stream. This documentary looks at the three — makos, great whites and porbeagles — which are smarter and faster than all of the others.
RETURN TO THE ISLE OF JAWS – Monday, July 24 at 9pm ET/PT
A look at a place where great white sharks converge off Western Australia, including a discovery which challenges our perception of the predators completely.
ALIEN SHARKS: STRANGER FINS – Monday, July 24 at 10pm ET/PT
Alien sharks! No, this isn’t a look at sharks from outer space but rather a profile of the world’s weirdest varieties, from sawsharks, ghost sharks, frilled sharks, lantern sharks and the main event — goblin sharks.
SHARKS AND THE CITY: LA – Tuesday, July 25 at 9pm ET/PT
Why are sharks increasing in number off the coast of LA, and starting to hunt out of season? Amazingly, the answer lies off Mexico’s Guadalupe Island.
SHARKS AND THE CITY: NEW YORK – Tuesday, July 25 at 10pm ET/PT
Are the seas around New York set to see an influx of great whites now that seals have returned to New York Harbor? A look at what that prospect might be like.
THE LOST CAGE – Wednesday, July 26 at 9pm ET/PT
A team do what you and the rest of us would never dare — and float in a specially-built shark gage 500 miles out at sea in the Gulf of Mexico just to, you know, see what sharks they lure in.
DEVIL SHARKS – Wednesday, July 26 at 10pm ET/PT
Volcanoes and volcanic areas are known to be attractive to sharks — but why? Only one way to find out — by diving INTO some volcanoes.
SHARK EXILE – Thursday, July 27 at 9pm ET/PT
A successful project in Brazil has reduced human shark encounters by just catching them and taking them further out into the open sea. But does it really work? And could it be used in other places around the world where shark attacks are commonplace, like Australia?
SHARK STORM – Thursday, July 27 at 10pm ET/PT
A look at a phenomenon which sees huge numbers of sharks gather in swarms. What exactly is going on in these shark “societies”?
AFRICAN SHARK SAFARI – Friday, July 28 at 9pm ET/PT
Great whites are, at least on paper, extinct in the seas off Madagascar. But one tagged 1,500 miles away in Madagascar has been found there. Why? And does that mean they are about to return in vast numbers?
LAIR OF THE SAWFISH – Friday, July 28 at 10pm ET/PT
A look at the bizarre sawfish and the amazing role it plays in the ocean by experts who hope to save it from the verge of extinction.
SHARKMANIA – Saturday, July 29 at 9pm ET/PT
As Shark Week 2017 draws to a close, this looks back at the best moments from the week gone by including viewers’ top picks.
Phelps, fresh from his race against a great white, joins Doc Gruber and Tristan Guttridge of the Bimini Shark Lab for an educational lesson on the world of sharks.
The program sheds light on common misconceptions, and he learns how to dive with sharks and stay calm in their presence.
Phelps also gets a first-hand experience of just how powerful great whites are.
Shark Week airs Sunday, July 23, to Sunday, July 30, on Discovery.