The Big Brother 23 cast reveal is a hot topic as we get even closer to the season premiere for summer 2021.
CBS recently revealed that the start date is July 7, but fans still want to know more than that, especially with how close we are to a new summer of the reality competition show.
The good news is that the casting is nearly done, as noted by one of the producers saying “that’s a wrap” on it. In fact, at the publishing of this article, the final names have likely already been selected.
Since the BB23 cast has to go through a quarantine period before they can start playing the game, it’s pretty likely that everyone has already been notified as to whether or not they made the cut this year.
But don’t get too excited yet, because CBS likely isn’t going to announce anything until that quarantine has come to an end.
When is the Big Brother 23 cast reveal taking place?
It looks like June 30 is still the date to circle on the calendar. That information has come from the Twitter user SpoilerGirl1, who has become known for putting out early information about the show, its cast, and behind-the-scenes happenings at Big Brother.
The account has reiterated that the plan is for a June 30 BB23 cast reveal and that date continues to be the one that she is pushing. While it’s not an official piece of information from the show, she is often correct about what she shares on social media.

Will the Big Brother 23 cast be new people?
There are 16 houseguests on the BB23 cast, and they are reportedly all new people to the show. This new cast is supposed to give the show some fresh faces and some new people for fans to cheer on.
After Big Brother 22, where everyone was a returning houseguest, many fans are ready for some new blood. And that looks to be exactly what we are going to get when the producers finally decide to reveal all of the names.
As a reminder, it was Cody Calafiore who won the last season of Big Brother. The BB22 jury unanimously named Cody the winner over Enzo Palumbo during a dramatic season finale. Nicole Franzel finished in third place after Cody decided to take Enzo with him to the final two.
Before we learn the names of the BB23 cast members, we expect host Julie Chen Moonves to provide a tour of the new house. That is likely when the season’s themes will also get revealed, and some additional tidbits about the new houseguests will be made public.
It’s only a few more weeks until we learn the names of the new people, but the closer that date gets, the more excited fans are going to become. We expect that to potentially lead to some names getting leaked and even some fake cast lists popping up on social media.
Again, we expect the Big Brother 23 houseguests to be revealed during the last week of June. Then, the show will begin the following week.
Big Brother 23 debuts July 7 on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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