Cassidy Timbrooks—one of the two villains on this season of The Bachelor with Clayton Echard will be remembered as the girl who didn’t put together anything on the Hillary Duff group date for the kids’ birthday party.
Instead, Cassidy spent her time with Clayton by the pool. When she wasn’t with Clayton during that group date, she spent the time fangirling over Hilary Duff.
Cassidy Timbrooks made history on The Bachelor
Fans will also remember her as being the first-ever contestant who received a rose from Clayton and then had it revoked before the rose ceremony.
Not only did Clayton take back the rose but he then sent Cassidy home, due to her “friends with benefits” she had on the back burner in case he didn’t receive Clayton’s final rose.
On Monday’s episode, Episode 3 of Clayton’s season, the last viewers saw of Cassidy was her in the limo as she rode her way right out of the mansion and out of the competition for Clayton’s heart.
Viewers could see Cassidy crying, with tearful confusion, as she kept saying, “I thought he liked me…I thought he liked me.”
Cassidy’s heartfelt message she posted on social media
Cassidy has very recently taken to Instagram, and has made the following post: “My journey on The Bachelor, albeit brief, was very impactful in my life. I learned a lot, and I had a lot of fun.”
She continued on talking about all of the things she was able to do on the show that she never would have been able to do otherwise such as meet Hilary Duff and compete for Clayton’s heart.
She had nothing but good things to say about Clayton and the other girls in her Instagram post.
Cassidy also wrote, “While it didn’t turn out how I hoped, and mistakes were certainly made, I am still so grateful for the experience and I hope for nothing but the best for everyone I met while I was there. Thank you to @bachelorabc for giving a scrappy little nobody from nowhere a shot at love, and for all of the lessons I’ll take with me into the future.”
Moving forward, Cassidy will no longer be known as “a little nobody from nowhere” because Bachelor Nation knows her name now. Most of what they know about Cassidy has spun a negative image about her, but maybe, just maybe this post can redeem some of her past actions.
Cassidy ended her Instagram post as she said that she wished Clayton the best and that she hoped he would find his person. Moreover, she added a PS and said, “see slide two for proof I TRIED,” as she spoke about the group date birthday party.
While Cassidy kind of burned her bridges with quite a few people, including fans, maybe this will put a little salve on the wounds. And who knows, maybe this “changed Cassidy” will make an appearance on this summer’s season of Bachelor in Paradise.
The Bachelor airs on Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.