
Big Brother spoilers: A Veto Meeting and a Felicia blow up

Jared Playing BB25
Jared Fields was part of a twist with Cirie Fields (his mom) on Big Brother 25. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother spoilers from August 21 shape the rest of Week 3.

Some drama also popped off on the live feeds as Felicia Cannon blew up on Jag Bains.

Backtracking from there, Felicia is the Week 3 Head of Household.

Felicia nominated Cameron Hardin and Jag for eviction as part of a plan to backdoor Hisam Goueli.

Jag and Cameron were told they were pawns, and all they needed to do was win the Power of Veto to be safe.

Meanwhile, most of the house was on board with backdooring Hisam after his rough week as the HOH.

Felicia explodes on Jag on the Big Brother live feeds

Ahead of the Veto Meeting, Felicia approached Jag as paranoia began to overtake her.

She had become worried that Jag and the people close to him would target her next week.

Jag was caught off guard by getting grilled in the same fashion that Hisam did the previous week.

And since Jag won the Veto Competition, he was about to take himself off the block.

Was Felicia looking for an excuse to move away from the plan to backdoor Hisam right out of the BB25 house?

Below is a video clip of Felicia confronting Jag with Jared Fields in the room.

What happened at the Week 3 Veto Meeting?

Jag won the Power of Veto. This allowed him to come off the block at the Veto Meeting on Monday. And that’s what he did,

Felicia had to name a replacement nominee to sit next to Cameron on the block.

Hisam became the replacement nominee on August 21.

The BB25 cast will now vote to evict Cameron or Hisam at the August 24 Eviction Ceremony.

Most of the house is still set on evicting Hisam, but many discussions have taken place about shaking things up.

The trio Felicia, Cirie Fields, and Izzy Gleicher have been entrenched in paranoia. They talked extensively about saving Hisam from getting evicted.

Hisam knows he is the target and is shocked that his alliance backdoored him. He also said he will look foolish on national television for sticking with The Professors.

A new BB25 alliance was formed this past weekend, leading to added chaos in the house.

And a budding Big Brother showmance is complicating matters for several houseguests.

Some houseguests are also convinced a Big Brother Battle Back is coming.

Host Julie Chen Moonves revealed that the Big Brother Pressure Cooker returns on August 24.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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11 months ago

These people are ready for prime time. You always have to plan 2
Moves ahead. They need to stop this β€œuniverse” stuff.
Want to change things up have us the fans vote out contestants
On the block. That would really change game play.