
Big Brother backdoor plan in motion

Hisam As BB25 HOH
Hisam Goueli has made some enemies on the Big Brother 25 cast. Pic credit: CBS

The Week 2 HOH on Big Brother 25 has turned himself into a Week 3 target.

Hisam Goueli could have difficulty even making it to the BB25 jury now.

Several times since he took power, Hisam has crossed the line while talking to or about other houseguests.

And the rest of the BB25 cast had paid close attention to his actions.

At one point, Hisam even went on an apology tour for how he had treated one of his nominees for eviction.

While Hisam may have created some dramatic made-for-TV moments, what he didn’t do was ensure his long-term game plan.

Hisam is now a backdoor target on Big Brother 25

Houseguests on both sides of the house are planning to target Hisam next week.

As the Head of Household, he is safe from eviction in Week 2 but will be at risk in Week 3.

Cirie Fields and Izzy Gleicher have become worn out with his antics, meaning The Professors alliance has some cracks.

Meanwhile, the Handful and Family Style does not like that Hisam targeted two of its members. If one of Hisam’s nominees wins the Week 3 HOH Competition, Hisam will be at risk of heading home.

Will the new HOH target Hisam in an intelligent manner? To pull off a real backdoor blindside, they cannot nominate Hisam for eviction. What needs to happen is for someone else to win the Veto Competition and for Hisam to become the replacement nominee.

More people are against Hisam

Outside the house, Brandon French from BB23 reacted to Hisam’s shade on the live feeds. Frenchie was not keen on what Hisam was saying about his gameplay.

And various other Big Brother alums have shared their frustrations with how Hisam treats people while he is in power.

It’s hard to envision Hisam surviving another week in the house unless he continues his streak of victories in the Veto Competition. And Hisam is very good at these games.

More Big Brother 25 news

Expelled houseguest Luke Valentine did an exit interview where he spoke about the rest of the cast. He has a lot of love for them, but Luke said he felt ostracized in the game.

Fans should check in to see what’s happening because much has been shown on the Big Brother live feeds.

An Eviction Ceremony happens on the August 17 episode before the house resets. Will Hisam find a favorable person in the HOH Room? Or is he now doomed? Tune in to find out.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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